Need suggestions about wireless adapters


Feb 15, 2005
what is a good wireless adapter to use if i have LINKSYS WRT54GS wireless router? i need some suggestions. please and thank you.
senao makes some great and powerful adapters. A bit pricey though. Your typical desktop adapter will work just fine, but if you want more range you are going to have to pay for it.

I like linksys products personally for basic use. But for more powerful stuff I have different preferences. What is your budget and needs as far as range/power?
i have a linksys wrt 54g router and i use netgear pci wireless adapter for some reason the signal strength is always stronger when compared with a linksys pci adapter
senao cards are the best cards hands down. All others are mediocore to crap
What an absurd statement. For the consumer cards Senao's are pretty decent as they have higher powered radios typically. Far from the best cards however if you don't mind spending a little money.
I too am looking for a wireless router. Is there a difference between USB, PCI adapters? Do they make any difference?