Need some stuff explained


Mar 1, 2006
Probably as newb as you can get to oc'ing with intel but here goes.

Cpu-host frequency- 360 (X 9) What is my actual bus speed as of now and how is that determined?

System memory multiplier = 2.5 So if I am running ram that has a stock speed of 800 mhz what is it running at now and how is that determined.

I think thats all I need to know for now, and with these answered I think I'll be good.

I'm not as oblivious as I might seem it's just different than my athlon system with ddr1.
Cpu-host frequency- 360 (X 9) What is my actual bus speed as of now and how is that determined?

System memory multiplier = 2.5 So if I am running ram that has a stock speed of 800 mhz what is it running at now and how is that determined.
360 * 2.5 = 900. Your Ram is running at ``DDR2-900''.