Need some performance help with WoW and 3 x 23" Eyefinity setup


Sep 6, 2008
Let me hit you with the particulars. Mind you I am no novice so no need to ask questions such as did you use driversweeper is your power supply good etc..

I have noticed some abysmal performance in WoW after not playing for sometime (Just attempting to get back into it a little). we are talking 20-30 FPS in areas like Sholazar basin. It does spike to the 60s if Im staring at nothing intensive. Needless to say this is not acceptable and I need to figure it out. I have tried the newest drivers 10.6 (using driversweeper each time). I am Running 6044x1080 with all settings high except shadows and draw distance reduced (setting these to low and even turning off Multisampling yield SAME results so there is obviously an issue)

Now mind you nothing has changed since playing several months ago other than game patches to WoW. My hardware config has not changed with the exception of DOWNGRADING from 3 x 30" eyefinity to 3 x 23" (NEC EA23WMi). so in Theory my performance should increase.

I have i7 920 @4Ghz - 6GB DDR3 1600 - Intel X25 160GB Gen2 - ATI 5970 935/1225 -

Basically I built this to be a high end gaming rig to last a while. So can anyone give me insight into why the hell my performance is in the shitter?

EDIT: I have also noticed that when I look at afturburner it appears WoW is all over on usage of either GPU. Never higher than 42% on EACH - meaning it isnt even using a single GPU worth of performance.. WTF
Have you used driver sweeper?... j/k :p

I don't think it's a driver issue, it might be a game issue. WoW is an old game, a lot of older games are not designed to take advantage and be efficient with multi-GPU and/or multi-core processors.
last I heard WoW is very poorly SLi/xfire coded. A highly clocked cpu is far more important to it.