Need some help with SATA hard drive


Oct 24, 2004
Abit KV7 kT600 Motherboard
AMD barton 2500xp
Kingston HyperX 512mb
WD 80 gig Serial ATA hard drive

I recently upgrade my old hard drive to this new Western Digital SATA hard drive and something doesn't seem to be right. When I was setting up Windows XP I had the option to format the hard drive "Quick" and "Regular" I choosed regular because it's a new hard drive and I wanted it to partition and format the right way. But it did not format slow, it format the hard drive in 3 secs. I've try this a few times and it's doesn't not let me format slow. Why is that?

I download the SATA drivers from website and install the VIA serial ATA drivers.

Is the hard drive defective or my motherboard?
I have seen it format SATA drives like this many times. Is it formatting the drive and setting your partitions? You are probably good to go.
Yea i'm partitioning and formating. I just built a new system for a friend and when I formated the same hard drive it took like 10 mins. Why is mine so quick?