Need some help finding a certain type of software


Limp Gawd
Aug 5, 2004
I'm working on a project and one of my partners mentioned a piece of software that put two partitions on a drive. The one is a locked down drive that a user can not access. When a user logs in, it creates a copy of that drive. The user can do what he want to it, but when he logs off, that partition is gone. The next time they login they have a partition that was imaged off of that locked down drive. Have you heard of any software like that? I'm not sure if I explained it all that well.
I don't know about mirroring partitions like that, but what it sounds like you want is:

DeepFreeze. You setup the comp how you want it, freeze it, and any and all users can do what they will, but upon restart all their changes/info is lost. Thus returning the comp to the frozen state. A lot of universities use this technology as it helps keep the computers clean and viruses/spyware away.