Need rotating software


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 9, 2004
I've been using iRotate (great program) until it stopped functioning when I updated to XP SP3. This is on my laptop which has an ATI 7000. Are there any programs to rotate the whole screen that work with SP3?
I think the software i use to use was like pivot point

Pivot Pro I believe. Does the same thing iRotate does - screen refreshes and the view is still the same. I did find one post on some forum that this happened when SP3 corrupted his ATI drivers. While my drivers work fine, I tried installing Catalyst 6.11 but got a "no video drivers" error. Suppose I'll just give up.

Edit: Looks like it is the fault of ATI as displayed by this post:
"On microsoft technet, I read that the ATI drivers themself are the problem. Supposedly they break because they do not recognize sp3 as a proper version of windows. ATI released a statement that their next driver revision will solve this problem. Lets hope that this is true!"

Sad thing is, ATI does not even support my card anymore as well as many older mobile cards (as it is, I had to use driverheaven's driver mod program to even obtain a usable driver from ATI). :rolleyes: