Need recommendations for new PCI-E card


Feb 9, 2004
i want to get a new PCI-e card, but i'm on a somewhat limited budget. my budget is around $120-160. i was thinking ATI X800XT or X1600. any suggestions appreciated.
JCNiest5 said:
Yeah, that's better than the 7600GT. If you can spare the additional $40.00 now, go for it, knowing that the rebate will come later.

i disagree. the platinum edition may be slightly faster than the 7600gt but the 7600gt has newer technology & should last you longer than the ati card.
Not that the 7600Gt will be able to take advantage of those features considering it's speed. :rolleyes:
I hate mail in rebates..
i got ripped once by Linksys..
never got my damn in the mail rebate...bunch of bastards..
Obi_Kwiet said:
Not that the 7600Gt will be able to take advantage of those features considering it's speed. :rolleyes:

Transparency AA may be out of the question except on much older games, but Dual-link DVI and SM3 aren't going to be a problem.