Need recommendation dual 27" IPS for work/gaming


Apr 19, 2006
I currently have two 27" monitors but am thinking about replacing both of them for something udpated. I use these for working from home, but also enjoy PC gaming as well and play alot of games. Last year I picked up an Asus VG278H 120Hz and while I love the smoothness and fluidity for gaming, I really hate limitations of TN and color reproduction on it. Since the Asus 120Hz sits directly in front of me and I find it generally lacking in overall image quality of colors and text. I know it will be a transition back to 60Hz gaming but I think I can live with it given the improved picture quality gain of an IPS.

I just started researching and a few IPS 1440p displays stand out such as the ViewSonic VP2770 and possibly the Asus PB278Q. My budget is flexible but I would like to stay around $1,500 for both if possible. I also prefer a matte coating as I am in a fairly bright room. That Viewsonic is definitely on the pricey side so I want to make sure that extra cost is worth it?

I am running an Nvidia GTX 680 so I am not too concerned with powering games at 1440p versus the 1080p I run them at now on my Asus.

My current 27" displays:

1) Asus VG278H (TN, 1080p, 120Hz, dislike the colors and view angles, also prefer higher resolution than 1080p)

2) Dell 2707WFP (S-PVA, 1200p, 60Hz, been a good panel, will be moving this screen to another room)

Any recommendations for what direction I should go is greatly appreciated.
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Dells have too many quality control issues for my tastes.

I am wondering if I should be considering the Korean 1440p monitors that overclock to 120Hz. I could practically buy 2 of those for the price of 1 Viewsonic VP2770!
Hey Gussboy I am in a similar situation as you. Originally I thought a 30" (plus my 24") would be perfect, however the high cost and large IPS glow really turned me off. Right now I am planning on getting an Eizo FlexScan EV2736W and an X-Star DP2710 instead. I need the Eizo for fairly accurate SRGB reproduction and the X-Star for cheap screen real estate.

Edit: I noticed recently that the VP2770 is now being listed as discontinued on several stores including newegg... :-/
I've got a VP2770 and will add another as soon as my next commission check is deposited, next week. I had a 30" Dell 3008WFP but the VP2770 is superior in every way. It's nearly the same resolution of a 30" in the nearly the same form factor of a 24".


The VP2770 might be on the way out in favor of the new VP2772. Hopefully, this means some price drops are on the way for the 2770.
Interesting to know about the Viewsonic VP2770 possibly being on the way out.

Can anyone else confirm this or have any other information? The VP2772 is still very expensive at around $1000 even from online retailers.
High end monitors get 2 year life spans, the VP2770 came out in Fall 2012. The VP2772 is a wide gamut monitor meant to be used for color critical work in color managed programs. The VP2772 is Viewsonics answer to the Dell U2713H, neither are meant for multi-media use and GB-LED back-lit monitors glow more vs. standard gamut models.

I don't think the VP2772 has an sRGB mode (if it does the color controls will be locked) so unless one has an AMD GPU or knows how to enable color management in the few programs which support CMS (games do not) then the colors will be over-saturated and inaccurate.
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