Need proper stand to stack monitors


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 13, 2002
I have two monitors: 1 x Viewsonic VP201b (21") and 1x HP LP3065C (30").

The main monitor is the 30 incher, and it will be at the bottom. I want to put the 21 inch stacked on top. I can't seem to find a good stand that will allow me to do this. Searching in this forum didn't help either.

Can anyone recommend to me a good, sturdy stand, that will take the weight (since the 30 inch monitor is heavy) and allow me to stack the 21 inch at the top (vertically)?

Thanks for any help or suggestions you can provide!
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Update: it came today and I installed it.

All I can say is for $40.00? Dammnnnnn it does well. Yeah, you have to tighten the bolts down like a bear, but after that, it's all good.

Highly recommended!