Need new video card. Around $120.

Apr 30, 2005
So heres the deal. Im getting a new computer for cheap from my brother and am selling my old one to my other brother. The computer Im getting is good, but lacks a video card. i could use the video card I already have, but I dont really want to leave my little bro high and dry in the games department. So, I have $120 US(+) to spend and need a good card.
I was thinking this card:
But I kinda wanna go for an nVidia instead. Anyone got any ideas?

Oh, and I'm canadian by the way, so no for me or anything.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I will go up to about $140-160 to get a good card.
Preferably AGP, yeah.

That one card on Monarch looks awesome. $171.54 Canadian shipped. Awesome I may go for that. But I'll still wait and see if there are any others.
You can get a BFG 6800GT OC AGP on the For Sale/ For Trade forum for like $155 shipped.
Those are some great suggestions, i would go for the x800xl over the x850 pro, if i remember right, it benches higher. Its amazing what you can get for this much money now, i bought a x800xl for $300 about 9 months ago, and i thought it was the steal of the century :D
