Need image/bookmark organization software

Al Shades

Limp Gawd
Dec 29, 2006
I need an image/file manager that will allow me to group images/file of a user designated type, and then let me view them according to those designations.

It's really a simple concept. Let me give you an example:

You have 500 photos of various people sitting in a folder

You want to categorize each photo according to certain characteristics, such as age (young vs old), skin color, hair color, height, etc...all user defined attributes

You then want to be able to filter that folder based on any one, or several, of those user-defined types. The types must be able to overlap. In otherwords, it's possible to have one file designated as both a "young" AND "blond" type, which should show up when either of those parameters are selected as filters.

I would like to do the same thing with my internet bookmarks, which I have piling up by the hundreds in various folders. Neither IE7 nor Firefox's built-in management systems are convenient enough to use. I have hundreds of images and bookmarked links saved on my computer, and I'm looking for the most efficient way to organize them. I'll take any suggestions.

I do have Adobe CS2.
