Need Ideas


Mar 7, 2004
Hey I'm new here and I am just starting to upgrade my computer for the first time so I thought along with its new performance I would also give it a new look. The only problem is I don't know what I want to do or how it should look. I have seen some pretty cool stuff on this forum but most of it looks pretty difficult. Me being sort of new to doing things myself and not having any great tools I would like something a little more simple. Any ideas would be great as well links to other cool stuff or pics would be great too. Thanks in advanced.
The case is just a plain Cheiftec case I got off newegg. with no front usb and no fan on the side.
just pull out your dremel and have some fun :D

probebly the easiest thing to do is buy some LED fans and do some nice cable management.

sorry if i cant thing of anything creative.

welcome to the forums.
Thanks for posting. I have got plans to buy some stuff like, new fans, a light, and then I would like to organize the wires and clean out the dust bunnies. Any other ideas?
how about putting a fan in somewhere, it will give you some cutting experience and will look good and serve a purpose if you take your time with it

theres a couple ways to do this

a) use a dremel and cut a hole as big as the fan, drill some corner holes, slap in the fan and pop a grill on top


b) buy a holesaw that is approximately as big as the hole needed for the fan, attach it to your drill, drill the hole, drill some corner holes, and repeat the last few steps from option a)

good mod for a beginner and as you progress, the possibilities are endless...
I think that it looks pretty dang good as is!

Like you said, be sure to clean up the mess of wires. Get a couple cathodes and rounded IDE cables.

And just have fun...
About the holesaw/Dremel for putting in a fan..
I find a holesaw puts in much better holes than a dremel, no matter how neat you are. Finding one that is the right size os the real challenge
So from what I hear putting a new fan in seems like a good idea but I have one question. Where should I put the fan? I have seem them and like them on the side close to the video card or on the top. In your opinion which of these places or any other place would cool the most effectively. Plus I am still looking for other ideas so keep em' coming. Thanks