Need high speed link between 2 machines


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 21, 2006
I need a way to connect our HTPC in our living room with my desktop PC in my office 3 rooms away. Currently running some plain jain POS linksys G router with DD-WRT on it. It's been a ROCK from day 1 but is no speed demon. My desktop connects to it wired as it's in my office. The HTPC and a bunch of other devices (2 smartphones, wife lappy, ipads, etc.) connect wirelessly via G and frankly this setup works great except for 1 problem.

I have two little girls and my wife is mostly stay at home now. She simply is not capable of leaving the house without coming home with at least 2 movies out of whatever store she's near bargain bin. These 2 movies get ripped on my machine and then need to be transferred to the HTPC. Obviously over the G router this process would take forever so I load them onto a USB portable drive and physically ferry them. This is annoying to say the least.

This is the only link where speed matters. Every other device in the house I'm simply feeding internet access to. Anyone have a suggestion? Should I be looking at an N router? Would powerline be the way to go here? We are in a 2200s/ft condo and there is simply no simple way to run a wire between them or I would have done it months ago with a simple gigabit switch. I'm not keen on replacing the router as it's stability has been legendary. It simply does NOT hiccup. Ever.
Straight DVD rips. 3+ gig per.

We moved from a smaller unit last year. That setup was a little different and I could run a wire. Was transferring at 85 MB/s (yes megaBYTES) and was in heaven. I realize I will not get that fast without a direct wired connection so I'm looking for next best thing.
Well it has a dvd burner (mostly for playback) but it sees nearly constant use so trying to rip them there would be disruptive.
Jackhammers and cranes.

It only took a wee trip to the attic, a hacksaw, and a extensible 10' pole for me...

I wired only 4 rooms with 30'-50' Cat6, but that's all it took, lol.

Unless if you live in a concrete apartment, which may require a power drill, and not a hacksaw.