Need help with my ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 + Counter-Strike


Limp Gawd
Jan 3, 2003
I have a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo D 8830 laptop with an ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 64MB DDR
graphics card. Since i bought this primarly to play counter-strike, this problem has been
annoying me for over a month now. I

When i try to tab out to windows (WinXpPro) from Counter-Strike, it works fine,
but when trying to tab back into the game, the computers hangs, no error or nothing,
just have to restart.

I know this is probably a driver problem, and i've tried only two types of drivers, both
from Fujitsu Siemens, but one on the CD that came with the computer, and one updated
which i downloaded from their site. Still the same problem. I've searched everywere, has no downloads for mobility drivers, and i can't find any unofficial drivers
anywhere. I even have the newest VIA drivers installed, downloaded all my drivers from

Does anyone have ANY idea on what might be wrong or if it might be something else that
i've overlooked.
Try downloading the ATI Catalyst 4.6 drivers. Check the sticky for details on how to download it. I'm pretty sure it will work for your chipset.
I tried installing the latest 4.6 Cat drivers for the Radeon on my lappy...doesn't work...they require different drivers I think. And since Fujitsu doesn't update their display drivers, I think your stuck :( Home of the greatest 3rd party drivers around... :D

Oh, and the 4.6 Omega's are not released as of yet.. I would personally hold out until those do, seeing how the 4.6's really impove Ati's OGL performance. For me, I have noticed an improvement in CS as well (far less dropage of the FPS in aztec, dust2, and maps with the iceworld.wad).
Neat! I'll have to try that out.. It's weird though, i run fps_max 101, and it doesn't even drop
on aztec.. Maby down to 98, but not below that .. I'll give the link a shot though! Thanks :D