Need help with 2 Rads setup for optimal performance


Jul 4, 2008
I've got 2 rads Swiftech 320 and 220. The pump that will be driving the loop is a MCP655. I'm trying to figure out which options will best benefit my setup. (Can't do any upgrades at the moment for a PA Rad)

My blocks are:
CPU, Northbridge, 4850 Crossfire.

I'm not sure which will give optimal performance:

Res->Pump->Rad 320->Rad 220->CPU->NB->4850->4850->Res


Res->Pump->Rad 220->4850->4850->Rad 320->CPU->NB->Res

(Reason I'm running to VGA first in second configuration is that it wouldn't be that messy in my TJ07)

CPU Q6600 OC to 3.6Ghz.
4850 stock - No OC
I ran my setup as:


that works good for me.

CPU Q6700 @ 3.8
Cards 8800 Ultras TriSli Not OCed
It doesn't really matter the order, honestly. Water has such a good specific heat that it takes a while for it to heat up. Therefore, the system finds an equilibrium regardless of the placement. The big deal is to have the res immediately before the pump to be sure the pump always has good flow.

Otherwise, good luck! Have fun. And take lots of pictures.
mellojoe is right about the res placement. Other than that you should focus on a design that makes the loop as short as possible to maximize flow. It will be wasteful to have the tubes running back and forth needlessly.
It doesn't really matter the order, honestly. Water has such a good specific heat that it takes a while for it to heat up. Therefore, the system finds an equilibrium regardless of the placement. The big deal is to have the res immediately before the pump to be sure the pump always has good flow.

Agreed, except for res placement. Flow is a matter of equilibrium as well, but it's based on total restriction as opposed to changing thermal load. Intake for a res is going to be equal to the exhaust, perhaps shaving off a bit based on the restriction presented by the barbs themselves, if any. Having said this I hasten to add that my res is plumbed before my pumps. I wanted to see how a my loop would work with as much thermal load as possible feeding my rad intake, which, from what I understand, causes my rad to function closer to its upward limit in terms of efficiency. I use a single rad based on the same principle.
And there really is nothing wrong with those Swifty rads. You're fine. And that's coming from a Thermochill user.
Res -> Pump -> Rad -> CPU -> GPU -> GPU -> Rad

Takes the heat from the CPU/GPUs to the back end of the second rad before it returns to the res. Think of it as dual pass filtering. :) Some of the return is cooled from the second radiator before it gets dumped into the reservoir, pulled from the pump to the first radiator. Nice and equal balanced cooling.
Yeah, that's the ticket!!! (giggle) I'm really wanting to see some hard data on 2-rad loops.
:D sweeet!! lots of info.. thanks for the tip!

So basically I'm not losing andy performance based on the rad location in the loop? (WC n00b here)

Res -> Pump -> 320 Rad -> CPU -> NB->GPU -> GPU -> 220Rad ->Repeat
Res -> Pump -> 320 Rad -> 220Rad ->CPU -> NB->GPU -> GPU -> Repeat
Res -> Pump -> 220 Rad -> GPU -> GPU -> 320Rad ->CPU -> NB->Repeat

The above options will give me the same result?
If they are the same, then finding an optimal performance from the 3 would be to follow as what RVWinkle mention -> shortest loop possible?

The Res -> Pump -> Rad -> CPU -> NB ->GPU -> GPU -> Rad ->Res - sounds like a good option, although too..

:( I just wish the TJ07 has the same option as the TJ09 - placing the Rads on top, would have made things easier.