Need help troublehshooting slow ethernet upload speeds


Sep 15, 2011
Not sure what's going on here with my Windows 10 PC. I am consistently getting between 1 to 1.3 Mbps upload speeds on a connection that is 10 Mbps up. It's plugged directly into the modem.

When I speedtest on my laptop and phone that are connected to my network via WIFI, I get the full 10Mbps up.

The download speeds are good - the 110 or so Mbps both via WIFI and ethernet.

Nothing has changed on my PC - same ethernet cable and mobo.

Rebooting doesn't solve anything, nor does rebooting the modem or running Windows troubleshooting. Windows is up to date.

Can anyone offer any suggestions? Thanks.
You should direct your question to Microsoft since they've made clear that they own your computer if it has Win10 in it. It's their fault. Quite possibly some update somewhere has broken some setting involuntarily to you.

Or it could be your antivirus, firewall software, malware, false setting (did you tinker with your ethernet settings at all manually?) or a gazillion other things.
Not sure what's going on here with my Windows 10 PC. I am consistently getting between 1 to 1.3 Mbps upload speeds on a connection that is 10 Mbps up. It's plugged directly into the modem.

When I speedtest on my laptop and phone that are connected to my network via WIFI, I get the full 10Mbps up.

The download speeds are good - the 110 or so Mbps both via WIFI and ethernet.

Nothing has changed on my PC - same ethernet cable and mobo.

Rebooting doesn't solve anything, nor does rebooting the modem or running Windows troubleshooting. Windows is up to date.

Can anyone offer any suggestions? Thanks.

Have you tried a different ethernet cable or tried it on a different machine? It could be a cable fault.

Have you tried creating a new network connection to see if it performs up to spec?

Hope this helps.
I'll actually try to offer some help instead of being snarky.

  1. Try more than one speedtest site.
    1. I like
  2. Boot into safe mode on Windows 10 and see what you get. If it runs fine, then some software such as firewall or AV or something is affecting it in normal mode.
  3. Try a different port on the modem/router (if more than one available).
  4. Try a new Ethernet cable anyway, but I doubt it will help since down speeds are fine.
  5. Hardwire the laptop using the same cable and be certain to disconnect from Wifi, see if the problem persists. If it does, issues with the cable or modem, if the issue goes away, it is an issue with the PC.
Are you confusing 10 megabits with megabytes? reports in megabits.
Download and transfer speeds report in megabytes.

Uploading at 1.3 megabytes per second sound right in line with a 10 megabit connection.
Are you confusing 10 megabits with megabytes? reports in megabits.
Download and transfer speeds report in megabytes.

Uploading at 1.3 megabytes per second sound right in line with a 10 megabit connection.

Good point :)