Need help remote logging in.


Apr 21, 2004
Okay guys I really need some help.

I set up a server back at home (away at school now) to download store videos, pictures, mp3s etc...

I just have 1 problem! I can't remote log in!

Every tim eI go home and set it up it works for a bit, but then it just stops working all of a sudden. Here is the situation:

I am running Windows XP Pro on the server. I changed the port on RDP to a different one (since I have several computers on the network) that's not a default. I have several computers and changed each to a seperate port. I have a Netfear router that I have set up port forwarding to each computer with that specific port...

I have Norton internet security installed as the firewall, but from what I could tell I don't think that is what is causing the problem. Or maybe it is?

I have no problems logging into the server with RDP from within the network but once I am outside I can't connect to it. The only thing that seems to work is if I change the port. Then again it would work for a little bit and then stop working.

Can someone PLEASE help me get this thing working. It is really frustrating because once I'm away at school I can't access the computer at all.
This will be norton black listing the port probably. If your behind a router with the firewall on then you don't need norton
how are you remoting in? are you using remote desktop?, or vnc or something? What happens when you can't log in? error message? bsod?
Just error message... I am using remote desktop to log in.

I kind of feel extra safe by having a software firewall as well. Is it really not needed if I'm behind a router?

Anyway I tried to ping the ip:port
and got nothing....
like was said earlier, to hell with nortons firewall if your behind the router

if you were using port 3389, all you would need to do is forward it,

since you specified a different port, your router should support "translate to port number" and tell it to turn which ever port your using to 3389.... or tell RDP to listen on a different port, but translate to port number is easier

the fact that it works internally means nadding :p
How are you trying to connect when your outside the network?

by IP or name?
Do you have a Dynamic DNS service setup?

- get rid of Norton as well
Hey guys. Thanks for everyone's advice.

I did change the port that RDP listens to. I will look into the logmein thing but no time right now to research a new program as I am leaving very soon.

I DID uninstall norton and it works now!

BUT I can only connect from an external network when there is actually a session open on the server...

Meaning that If I just rebooted the server I have to log in as admin or whatever from the local network and only then can I close rdp and connect from an external network into that same open session.

I also noticed that when I log in I get a quick DOS prompt which I assume is enabled RDP.

But how do I set it up so that I can actually log in from the outside to start a new session.
I'm guessing this is a different issue now. Any takers?
K guys I'm back. I don't know if I feel comfortable of logging in to a web site in order to access my computers. I would like something that is more private...

Uninstalling norton worked perfectly. Only problem is that Ic an only log in once a session has been started locally..

Meaning that if I had just rebooted the computer and try to log in from an outside network IT WLL NOT WORK.
But once I log in locally and sign out, I can then log in from the outside network no problem... Any ideas as to why this is happening?
how isn't it private?

you need to create an account, so first step of security email and password that you created
then to access the computer you either need a computer access code or the domain credentials.

i would say more secure of RDP considering all you need for rdp is 1 set of user/pass compared to 2 with logmein.

anyway didn't read the rest =p
Try logging into a console session after a reboot:

start -> run -> mstsc /v:123.456.123.456 /console

(or if you are using Vista SP1 / Server 2008, use:

start -> run -> mstsc /v:123.456.123.456 /admin

Also, is your server at home setup with DHCP or a static IP? It should probably have a static IP... the console window you see popup has nothing to do with RDP or term services.

And I agree with you on getting RDP working. Let's get to the root-cause here! Logmein is definitely not more private or secure than RDP.