Need help remembering the name of a game


Dec 2, 2005
I am looking for a space themed game. I forgot what the name was. The plot line is that in the future as man started colonizing the solar system, there was a war. The main character's ship was damaged or something and he was put into hibernation? anyway when the dust of war settles, he was found, brought back from sleep and honored as a war hero. and then he began working for a company. stuff happened, they discovered an alien ship and later he somehow traveled to another star system where upon arrival, he found that two alien race are at war with each other and one of them employs human mercenaries who were colonist long thought to be lost by the people back on Earth. I forgot the rest of the plot.

As for gameplay, the human ships in the solar system looked a bit like the ships in Babylon 5. with a rotating section in the middle for gravity. You get to control one or more ships during missions and before missions, you can customize your ship like what weapon system to emphasize. The environment is full 3d and the graphics is pretty good. I hope someone can help me remember and even better tell me where can I get it.
that isn't it. I manage to find what I was looking for by pure coincidence. The name is Nexus - The Jupitor incident. Very good space game.
Yep, Nexus:TJI was a sleeper ... very under appreciated, great game.
I have seen that game repeatedly but haven't bit on it yet.

WoW has stolen what little free time I have left.