Need help picking a psu


Limp Gawd
Oct 11, 2011
My budget is about $125. It's going to eventually be running a 5820k and a pair of Sapphire Vapor X 7970s. I'll have about 6-8 hard drives and an ssd. I was looking at PSUs in the 850W range that are fully modular. I found a rosewill I liked but I don't know enough about other brands to make a decision. SeaSonic would be my first choice it the fund were available.
The 850 G2 is your best bang for buck at the moment.
is it worth it to kick in the few extra bucks to get the 1000W G2? I also found a used 1000w seasonic platinum for $160
The difference in pricing is about $34 after rebates. I would say no, it is not worth it. Nor is the platinum.
Rosewill Capstones are solid, there is no reason to avoid Rosewill's higher tier offerings. As usual though, do your research on each model before choosing.
850w G2 is $100 on Newegg.

Wow, thanks! Time for the old Real Power Pro to be relegated to backup duty. Looks like there was a Shell Shocker on this for $90 in December, but can't complain at $100.
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Thanks for the Supernova recommendation guys. It's pretty sweet to go full modular and get rid of a few cables. This thing definitely doesn't whine like my Cooler Master did but that thing was going on 7 years old. Just need the rebate to come through now.