Need help, no POST after CPU upgrade


Mar 5, 2005
Well, I was able to get a p4 2.8 ghz processor to trade out with my p4 2.0 ghz processor. I took out the old one, installed the new processor, snaped on the heatsink and everything and then when I go to boot up I get no POST beep or any beeps at all for that matter. Just to rule out other hardware in my system going bad I put back in the origianal 2.0 ghz processor and it booted just fine. Is there something wrong with the processor? Do I need to change something? The specs are below:

Biostar P4VTB motherboard
Pentium 2.8 Ghz Processor
768 Mb RAM
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128 Mb
Sony DRU-510a DVD burner
40 Gb IDE hard drive
80 Gb IDE hard drive
250 Gb SATA hard drive
500 Watt Rosewill power supply
Was this new processor a Prescott? Stick the old processor back in, flash the BIOS, then put the new chip back in.
Biostar's website does not point to anything saying it does support Prescotts on this board, but then again it does not openly say it doesn't

This chart seems to lean to the side that it doesn't. I will agree with MemoryInAGarden and try flashing the BIOS and crossing your fingers
Well, I updated the bios to the most recent one, and whenever I have the new processor in there it still doesn't start up. Does the exact same thing. Anybody have any ideas?
I'm not sure it's prescott. It came out of a Dell Optiplex 170L and I don't see any markings on the chip itself suggesting it is a Prescott core. Would it say on the chip somewhere? In the case that it is a prescott core that my motherboard doesn't support, would it be worth it to upgrade the motherboard to be able to run the 2.8 ghz p4 I got for free?
This may sound dumb but did you clear the bios by but shorting the jumper on the mother board, some mother boards won't take a new flash till you clear the bios?
Well, you can look up the SLXXX number to see what kind of CPU it is. Or, if it says 512k, it is a northwood. If it says 1M, it is a prescott.
Yeah, it's 1M so it must be a prescott. Since I got the processor for free and it's a pretty considerable upgrade from a 2.0 Ghz P4, would it be worth it to upgrade my motherboard to one that does support prescott? The mobo I have in there right now is still pretty new so it's kind of a shame to get rid of it. Any thoughts?
I am going through exactly the same shit right now.
I bought a P4TSE-D2 from new egg version 1.1
I checked on their website before buying, they say
P4TSE-D2 version 1.2 supports prescott.
Turns out it doesnt i guess. :(

Am looking for recommendations for a 2.4A prescott pentium 4
compatible motherboard. Any ideas?
I figured it would probably be worth it to pick up a new motherboard. So much hastle all because my current board won't support prescott. What boards would you reccomend I look into ? Not looking to spend a ton, but i'd like to have something nice that is similar to my current board. Thanks for all the help so far :)