Need help finding good co-op games for PS3


Jul 5, 2001
So i have had my PS3 for a couple weeks now, and its great, but last friday night the GF came home and i was playing Resistance FoM, she watched me for about 15 mins and asked if she could try it out, now this blew me away because she has never shown intrest before. so i said sure, and we started a up a new co op game and played it to the end by late sunday night, we had so much fun, and now she is addicted.

so all week she has been hounding me as to what we were going to play this weekend, so i rented Army of Two and we started it but its a little more complicated for her, and with the horazontail split screen it can get very confusing even on my 40" sammy.

So i need some suggestion on good fun PS3 co op games perferably with a vertical split screen option (but not ness) that the GF and i can play together.

So any help and or suggestions would be muchly appreciated.

Rainbow six vegas games, can't remember how they split but they are good co-op.
Is Lego Star Wars on PS3?
That game is pretty damn fun playing with the woman.
Plus, it's not splitscreen. It's all one big viewing area.
Resistance: Fall of Man on regular mode with a buddy, then on hard mode with a buddy. The split screen action is freaking awesome man.

Ninja Edit: Oops didn't see you already mentioned that. I guess that's what I get for responding to the title and not the content of the thread.
Rock Band. Nothing like starting a band with a friend and naming the musicians "fagpuppet" and "cntpuncher".
Is Lego Star Wars on PS3?
That game is pretty damn fun playing with the woman.
Plus, it's not splitscreen. It's all one big viewing area.

Yup, the complete saga is on the ps3 and it's a great co-op game especially if the other person is a novice ;)
I would def recommend R6V2, but it might be a bit complicated for her (it is for my woman). It's very fun, but more tactical the R:FoM
I would def recommend R6V2, but it might be a bit complicated for her (it is for my woman). It's very fun, but more tactical the R:FoM

thnx again for the suggestions, i rented blacksite area 51 hoping it might have co op but it doesn't, so i got her playing it on her own so she can get use to it and get better.

i bought R6V2 with my PS3 and we tried that first and sshe hated the slow moving tacticle side of the game. i am sure once she get some more time playing she will enjoy things more.
yea I thought army of two was great. she'll get used to it. it took me a round or two. its good for one or two beats.