Need help creating a WinXP Pro SP1 integrated CD


Limp Gawd
Oct 21, 2001

I have recently followed instructions on the internet to create a Windows XP Professional intregated install with SP1. Upon testing the CD on my new machine I recieve a message error in the windows setup about how it can not continue or read the cd. This error occurs after checking the harddrive, following a format. Setup does not continue and asks if I want to retry or press f3 to quit. Why is this causing a problem? Did I do the instructions wrong?

I appreciate any comments or help.

Thanks in advance.
I used Nero at the time.

Does this have something to do with copyright protection, the same way I believe Blizzard does on their cd's if copied?
No, the disk is not copy protected, i suggest to reburn the disk using DAO (disk at once) option in nero, if problem persist, try loading bios defaults and or another ide cable for the cdrom/dvdrom.

Good Luck
