Need good CRT recommendations


Dec 26, 2006
It's been a few months since there was a thread like this, so I thought I'd ask again...especially since I order my new comp on Friday! (Yay!)

I do not want an LCD, but that means I have to scour to find someplace that gives me some options. I stopped by MicroCenter Saturday and asked a salesman if they had any. He looked at me liked I asked him to molest a horse.Anyways, I desperately want a FW900, but that's abit out of my budget right now and I need something sooner than later.

Preferably I would like to see:
17" Viewable or larger
True flat or some kind of flat screen tech
Resolution of at least 1600 x 1200, but would like to see 1920 x 1440
Under $250 possible?

Currently I'm considering: - $198.99
Not true 1920 x 1440 - $69.99
Only 1600 x 1200
never delt with TigerDirect, and this monitor is a Refurb - $199.00
"Perfect Flat" screen

I'm leaning towards the Dell, but I just don't know. Any suggestions?
There will be brand new FE2111SB-BK's and FE991SB-BK's available on the web very shortly here. These both have 3 year warrantys and flat apperture grille tubes. I believe pricing will be $399 and $199 respectively. I will post once they are available.
Lots of great deals on CRTs at

I just ordered a FW900 (HP). Should get it Wed/Thurs. The guy I talked to was very helpful.

Thanks for the link. I've seen these guys on eBay for the FW900s before but never thought to check their online store.

EDIT: Why don't you like LCD? Just curious.

It's just the feeling I get from seeing them in action. I like the higher resolutions, the contrast ratios...same old rhetoric you've probably heard before from people. Maybe it's from me using CRT for so long that I'm just too used to them and I fear change. :D
The second one says "Out of Stock". You may have some problems ordering that one. :D
The second one says "Out of Stock". You may have some problems ordering that one. :D

:p Whoops, didn't notice that ealier. Guess that makes my choice easier huh? At least it's a move towards the one I wanted.