Need good AVI Video merging software

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
I am using Boilsoft. Today, I was trying to merge a few AVI files, the software gives me this error:

Audio Stream have different sampling rate

1st stream 8000 samples/sec

2nd stream 38.28125 samples/sec

as such, the above can't join

Is there some other software that can merge AVI file eventhough their Audio stream have different rate?

Many people will probably say VirtualDub, but in my opinion it's pretty old and didn't work well on Win 7. Avidemux is still being worked on, works great on Win 7, and gives you lots of options for transcoding and editing videos.
I am still using XP Pro, so I'll try these 2 as I won't be paying for another OS for a long time. Thanks for the info