Need fdisk command for T60


Limp Gawd
Feb 20, 2001
I had my T60 dual booting Ubuntu and Windows XP. I want to get rid of the ubuntu install so I removed the partitions associated with it.

Now when I reboot I get the GRUB errror 17.

I know I need to rewrite the MBR. Here's the problem. The HD is SATA and none of my bootable CD's reconize the disk. Acronis Disk Director reconizes it but you can't perform the fdisk command from it.

How do I find a bootable CD that can reconize my HD as well as having the fdisk command?

Thanks in advance.
In the BIOS change the sata mode from 'normal' to 'compatible' (something likethat...dont want to reboot and confirm right now...)
I had my T60 dual booting Ubuntu and Windows XP. I want to get rid of the ubuntu install so I removed the partitions associated with it.

Now when I reboot I get the GRUB errror 17.

I know I need to rewrite the MBR. Here's the problem. The HD is SATA and none of my bootable CD's reconize the disk. Acronis Disk Director reconizes it but you can't perform the fdisk command from it.

How do I find a bootable CD that can reconize my HD as well as having the fdisk command?

Thanks in advance.

What you need to do is boot up to your windows xp cd, and go into the recovery console, and type in the commands fixboot, and fixmbr. Both of them. You may need the driver floppy disk for the sata controller though.
Look into BartPE. It will allow you to build your own boot CD with all the tools you want to put on it. It will be like Windows XP on a CD when you're done. Best of all, you can incorporate your drivers into it. In this case, you would be able to put your SATA drivers in so you can access your drives.