Need cable modem and wireless router advice


Dec 5, 2006
So a storm just rolled through and fried my modem (old modem had wireless built in). Curious if you guys think an all in one solution works as well as a stand alone cable modem + a stand alone wireless router...

Doesn't seem to be many choices when it comes to the all in one solution, price seems to work out to about even both ways, all in one modem/wireless routers look to be about $135, same price I would probably pay for separate hardware.
Separates are better. If one portion fails on an all in one, you replace the entire device.
.....If lightning strikes it can take out both devices......

The best practice is to use separate devices as you can usually get better quality/performing devices.
ok sounds good, got the Motorola SB6121 earlier today and now need to pick out a router, open to suggestions if guys have any.
The best protection is get a high quality UPS to help mitigate lighting strikes. Computer are too expensive to just plug in the wall and hope they will be okay. I'd rather have my $300 UPS fry than my $2500 signature rig below.

Most good UPS will also have a Cable in and Out jack on the back so it can catch huge surges as well and pass them through a breaker instead of your cable modem.