Need Advice - streaming media to TV


Oct 20, 2010
Hi Guys,

first let me shortly describe my problem. This will be the first time for me to buy a TV. I have been using pc for everything until now. So I have a pc with HDD full of movies, music and photos.

And what i need? I will have a new TV with some nice audio set in living room. Every media will be on my pc's HDDs. And I would like to watch movies from my HDD on my TV and listen to music in living room as well. So first think that came to my mind is to build some lovely small HTPC and from this HTPC i will have acces to my pc through wifi. Also i can control all this through my android phone with some nice app (Gmote, etc...). But then i realized that i will have to invest in a whole new htpc, that needed to be turn on almost all the time and could be loud (and if not then it will be more expensive) and i dont like that idea.

So the question is: Is there easier and cheaper way for me to stream my movies and music over wifi to my TV and audio set then building htpc? Also it would be great if this device could be controled from my android phone using some nice app. And also, i dont want video and audio output of that device would be worse then my PC.

Thanks and excuse my english :)
There are a few boxes that play streamed media in a TV. WDTV, Boxee, Popcorrn Hour would all be suitable probably (depending on media formats). Quite a few newer TVs will play media streamed via DLNA too.

I have no idea about the android control though.