Need Advice Please: 16:9 vs 16:10 from 26" TN to Dual IPS

Nov 19, 2008
I've read so much about 16:9 vs 16:10 (which I use now on a Samsung 26" T260 1920X1200 TN panel) that I've confused myself on what I should do.

I definitely want to move to a dual IPS setup (24-27 inch), non-movie watcher, mostly desktop productivity use, working with photos, internet, office, etc....occasional gamer.

With 16:10 being a "dying breed" should I just accept 1080p? I've always thought by using 16:10 I benefit from 16:9 + being able to use the windows bar to complete 1200p?

I may connect a cable box to one for the option of watching TV, but I don't care about black bars. The priority is productivity and versatility.

1. almost all movies have bars on 16:9 too
2. why would it matter, anyway?
3. get a quality 16:10 one
If you don't watch movies and want to use the monitor for productivity, get a 16:10. It's really simple... there is no reason to get a 16:9 unless you want it for movies or gaming... I mean, what else is the point of that ratio?

As for the argument that 16:10 is a dying breed, so you should switch to 16:9 now, that is sort of silly. You could have said the same 3+ years ago, yet 16:10s are still around.

The only reason for getting a 16:9 in your case is if you can't find a 24" 16:10 you like and prefer a 1440p setup -- afraid those only come in 16:9.