Need advice on what Motherboard to use with a AMD 2000+ and a 2.6 Celeron..


Dec 20, 2005
Trying to upgrade used processers.....any help will be appreciated....thanks in advance!
:) :) :)
I take it by that u mean u want to upgrade the mobo's for both machines - i've recently (last year) had to do the same thing for one of my old machines (a skt478 as well), the best i could find (of anything that was in-stock at least) was an ex-demo Soltek i865PE mobo. So bearing that in mind u may have to nook around for any ex-demo boards u can find, much the same way i did, aside from that i don't think you'd any luck finding brand new mobos for such old cpus.
if you want a good mobo for the socket A, the Asus nforce2 is a tops board. A7n8x deluxe, but any version should do. mine has the built in raid. alternatively any nforce2 mobo should be good.

id go for Asus, Msi, Abit first. but their are other good brands to.

for you celeron not sure never had one. id look for a good chipset for it.
for the celery, id go for any Abit IC7,, awesome board, rock solid and ull be able to overclock the pants off that chip. I used to have a northwood celey 2.4ghz in one of these and it would overclock to 3.4 easy.