Need advice on new technical career path


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 13, 2008
I've been in the same job now for eight years. At this point, all I do is image and configure workstations, with a smattering of other work on rare occasions. It is extremely laid-back, easy, decently paying, and filled with downtime. It's also boring, dead-end, and making me lose interest in IT as a profession. Additionally, the IT firm I am employed by is eliminating employees like a fat man making french fries disappear. I'm not worried that I'm going to get hit anytime soon, but the ship is clearly sinking.

I've been looking for jobs, but I have no idea what titles to look for anymore. I've got a Bachelor's in BusAdmin with an IS focus, but the prospect of being either a manager or a cubicle drone is a nightmare. Only certs I really have are A+ and Vista, and I'm really sick of looking at certs that become useless a year or two after people say they're the one to get. What do people look for, title-wise, for jobs when you actually enjoy hands-on work instead of just shuffling paper or going to meetings in the IT field? I'll take any and all suggestions. I just have no idea where to start anymore.
I can sympathize. I currently feel like I'm stuck as the Desktop Engineer that occasionally acts as the Jr. Windows Admin. I want to learn more, but I don't think I will advance in my career by staying with my current employer. Unfortunately, I don't have a college diploma, or any great industry certifications. However, I do get a lot of attention from IT recruiters. Not many good offers though, but at least the social networking helps :) Btw, what is it that you want to do in IT?
There are so many posts about this on here and other sites, the answer every time is "Find something you enjoy and pursue it"

Start studying for the MCSA if you hate that start the CCNA if you hate that try to RHCE or CEH, if you hate that try programming, if you hate that...get out of IT?
Mystic basically got it. Look around in your own org and see what people are doing. What interests you? Does IT truly interest you for professional, or do you do it because it's "easy"?
Start looking on Dice and Indeed for IT jobs. See what titles have for responsibilities, and match those up with things you can or would like to do. Once you have some titles in hand, you can start thinking about career progression to there from where you are now. This might mean certification or school, it might mean taking a sideways step at a new company, or a host of other options.
Once you have ideas of what you want to do, network with people who DO that work, and see if you can meet up for lunch or just chat online about their jobs and responsibilities.
If you want, feel free to PM me and we can chat more in depth about your current situation and where to go :)