Need advice on gaming computer build


Jul 22, 2007
I'm building my new gaming computer. I need some advice on on a few things. I'm not sure what motherboard or memory to get. Here is what I've decided to get so far:

Case - Cooler Master Cosmos 1000-RC
PSU - Thermaltake Toughpower 750W
CPU - Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 Yorkshire 2.5 Ghz
Graphics - BFG GeForce 9800 GX2
Hard Drive - Western Digital Caviar 640 GB

I have no idea what motherboard to get that will work well with the above stuff. I'm looking to get at least 4 GB of memory. I'm not looking to OC anything. If anybody has any feedback on what I've selected so far that would be great.

Thanks for the help!
Here are some things I would consider:

-CPU - you may want to look at
-Corsair 750W (only $130- good deal!)
-Memory - G skill 2X2 GB = 4GB
-Motherboard - This is the one I just ordered. Seemed to get really good reviews everywhere and it is cheap GIGABYTE GA-P35-DS3L
Just in case Danny Bui doesn't see this thread, here's motherboard info for you:

Originally Posted by Danny Bui

Abit IP35-E Intel P35 Motherboard - $90 - (No longer sold?)
Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L Intel P35 Motherboard - $90
MSI P35 Neo2-FR Intel P35 Motherboard - $112
DFI BloodIron P35-T2RL Intel P35 Motherboard - $120
Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3R Intel P35 Motherboard - $125
DFI LanParty DK P35-T2RS Intel P35 Motherboard - $140
Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3P Intel P35 Motherboard - $144
Abit IP35 Pro Intel P35 Motherboard - $170
Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS4 Intel P35 Motherboard - $170
Gigabyte GA-EX38-DS4 Intel X38 Motherboard - $207

Just to help you out: If you don't need RAID, more than 4 SATA ports or legacy ports, then the IP35-E is a good choice. If you like the IP35-E but need legacy ports, check out the DS3L. If you need 5 SATA ports, 2 eSATA ports, and a second PCI-E x16 port, then get the Neo2-Fr. If you want heavy overclocking abilities and six SATA ports, check out the Blood Iron. If you like the BloodIron but want significantly better overclock stability, go for the LanParty. If you want 8 SATA ports, RAID, and legacy ports and high overclocks, than the DS3R is a good choice. If you want the DS3R but need Firewire and a second PCI-E x16 port, then go for the DS3P. If you want something that can overclock pretty damn high along with, RAID, eSATA ports and firewire connections, than the IP35 Pro. If you like the DS3P but want better cooling for overclocking, then go for the DS4.

Since you won't be overclocking your memory, DDR2 800MHz will work just fine. The usual recommendation is 2 x 2GB of G.SKILL 5-5-5-15 memory (or the 4-4-4-12, which isn't much more).
I concur with AndonSage. Especially the mobo recommendations. :)

Also, do note that the Q9300 is only 7% faster than the Q6600 as well being a bit more energy efficient. Yet the Q6600 is $100 cheaper here:
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 CPU - $200

So decide for yourself if a 7% increase in performance as well energy efficiency is worth the extra $100.