Need a new video card for Star Wars: The Old Republic...


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 10, 2000
I have played in the last 2 betas/tests of ST:TOR and noticed that I really need a new video card. The game was playable, but was noticably low in FPS and I couldn't enable any AA without killing my FPS. I was just using the settings that the game defaulted to when I installed the game except for raising the resolution to 1680x1050.

I have a very limited budget of less then $150, is there a decent card I can get that will give me 30+ FPS with decent graphics quality in SW:TOR?
I was in the last one, but It wouldnt even let me turn on AA....

The option was greyed out no matter what I tried. My buddy saw the same thing, he has 1 6950. I am running CF 6970.

I was unable to verify if Crossfire was working.

FPS without being able to turn on AA was fine with everything else maxed @ 1080p

I would say SWTOR should def be playable at a medium or High/no-AA setting on any decent card. I am not sure what the best card is for up to $150 atm so I will let someone else chime in there.
I was also playing with my Single 6970, and im considering getting a 2nd 6970 or buying a 6950 and unlocking for crossfire.

How was the performance FPS wise, and input lag wise on crossfire?

The only reason I want a 2nd card, is that turing everything to max settings in ATI Control panel seemed to lag the game down... I think it might be a glitch with the game though.
Oh, forgot to mention, I couldnt Turn on AA either. I had to do it through the AMD Control panel and I jacked everything up to max, including AA, AF, and the other one (forgot it).

Thats what made it lag.
My wife ran it fine at 1080p max details with a 5850 and a phenom2 x4 955@stock.

I will safely say a 6850 would do just fine.

if you can find a discounter 5870 or 5850 you it might be even cheaper!
At the $150 range is 6870 if you can get lucky, but the 6850 will do as well. Good luck.
xAlex79, with such a beast of a PC spec, why do you only have 8GB of RAM?
It's not particularly demanding anything halfway decent can take care of it.
xAlex79, with such a beast of a PC spec, why do you only have 8GB of RAM?

my guess would be, because in most cases more then 8gb is pointless.

Edit: On topic of this thread, My 6870 ran game max settings 100+ FPS on single monitor and 35+ on eyefinity.
xAlex79, with such a beast of a PC spec, why do you only have 8GB of RAM?


8GB of ram is NEVER used on a gaming PC. EVER. If you don't do something like 3dSMax or Adobe Premiere or something, you will never eat up 8GB of ram.

Even if you like burning CD's with 12 other apps open in the background while you play ANY modern game, 8GB of ram will not be used.
Dual 6970s @ 2560x1600 ran at 40-100 fps with every setting set to max. I had no issues turning on AA. I did notice quite a few bugs with lighting/shadows that still need to be ironed out of the game, not sure if that would help increase frame rates...
Well I got the Powercolor 6870, figured I would get the best card I could aford. I am sure I will Play more than just SWTOR anyway.