Need a new router for my home network


Apr 11, 2005
I need a new router for my home network!

I basically have switched to DSL Verizon internet FIOS! I need to place an access point in the middle of my house because it seems as if the Verizon wireless router/modem can not reach to the third floor of my house, the signal is very low or no signal at all at various times!

So basically at the moment I have the Verizon wireless router/modem sitting in the basement, I already have a Linksys wireless-G Access Point model: WAP54G v.2 that I would like to use as my extended wireless internet range, I would place it on the second floor!

So now I just need to purchase another router that need to be wired to the Verizon router/modem in my basement!

So, my question is what router would be appropriate for my scenario!
Should I just stick with Linksys router since my wireless-G access point is Linksys?
I would also told by the Linksys tech support that the best router to get for my situation would be to get the Linksys WRT54G v.8, v.8.1, or v.8.2, is that true?
Are there other routers that would be also appropriate for me?

For my needs basically I need a router that would be stable and it would reach the distance of a three story pretty big house!

please help me out! :confused:
The Linksys WRT54G is a solid performer. You can flash them with a new firmware and give your router the capabilities of a MUCH more expensive one.The one they suggested is excellent, cant speak for the specific revisions tho.
Well for your scenario, a 802.11N router would be ideal, but if your equipment is 802.11G, you could purchase a second router such as the WRT54GL, flash it with DD-WRT, and extend your range. The new router could act as a repeater on the second floor to extend range (no need for Ethernet cable) and your current WRT54G could stay in the basement. Be sure to flash your current router with DD-WRT as well.

If you plan to buy a second WRT54 router and use DD-WRT or Tomato Firmware, DO NOT buy a WRT54G. The newer versions cannot be upgraded to third party firmware. Your best bet is the WRT54GL.
The current WRT54G's cant be flashed or what? dang, its pretty weak they took out that feature.
The current WRT54G's cant be flashed or what? dang, its pretty weak they took out that feature.
As you said before, some revisions cannot support DD-WRT. Your best bet is to check out the hardware compatibility link(s) below.


Edit: Most people would suggest the WRT54GL since they are most popular with being flashed with DD-WRT and other third party firmwares. BTW, the "L" stands for Linux.

Edit #2:
Thanks everyone for your great input! I will def get the WRT54GL now!

But, I'm still little confused! AMD RULES are you telling me to set it up like so:
1. Keep Verizon Actiontec wireless router/modem in the basement as it is.
2. Keep my WAP54G v.2 access point wired to the Verizon wireless router/modem (sitting in the basement) and flash it with DD-WRT
3. Purchase the new WRT54GL router and use it as an access point on the second floor and flash it with DD-WRT as well! Question? do I not need to plug it to the cat5 wall outlet in that room?
Thanks everyone for your great input! I will def get the WRT54GL now!

But, I'm still little confused! AMD RULES are you telling me to set it up like so:
1. Keep Verizon Actiontec wireless router/modem in the basement as it is.
2. Keep my WAP54G v.2 access point wired to the Verizon wireless router/modem (sitting in the basement) and flash it with DD-WRT
3. Purchase the new WRT54GL router and use it as an access point on the second floor and flash it with DD-WRT as well! Question? do I not need to plug it to the cat5 wall outlet in that room?

Yes for everything. #3 - No, just power. It will function as a "repeater."
I bought a new WRT54G V8.2 and was able to flash the dd-wrt micro to it.
For my needs basically I need a router that would be stable and it would reach the distance of a three story pretty big house!

In addition to that can keep up with FIOS speeds. The wrt54g is an old..old router...quite long in the tooth. Performance eclipsed several times by todays more current generation routers with much faster CPUs and more RAM. You can flash some current generation routers (much more powerful ones) with DD-WRT or Tomato firmware if you're hellbent on that.