Need a little assistance configuring a Linksys Router

Jan 18, 2008
I've been managing my own home network for over ten years, so I have a good grasp of the basics. I've been using almost exclusively D-Link products for this until my latest router purchase, a Linksys wireless G router.

I've got all the settings that I need located and configured except one. Several applications that I use rely on having a specific local network IP address. Using D-Link routers I've always been able to set up specific machines (via Mac Address) with specific local network IP addresses. I've been looking through for the settings for the past 20 minutes for this, and I can't find it. This may just be me due to outside interference.. Anybody know if Linksys has this setting anywhere, and if so where I can look? I know how to set it up, just not where :D

Thanks in advance. :cool:
I think what you're trying to achieve is what's called DHCP reservation. Look for that in the Network section of the router. If not, do what AMD_Gamer said and just static them out if they don't move to any other locations.
DHCP Reservation sounds right. Just went over the routers settings once more. Looked in every section of the routers settings. AMD_Gamer - unfortunately, it looks like you have a different (possibly newer?) router and/or firmware setup than I do. The router is a WRT54GL. (Snagged that from the top of the configuration page, I think it's the router series anyway.) My Setup>Basic Setup page looks exactly like yours, except mine is missing the indicated DHCP Reservation button.

Unfortunately Cmustang87, there aren't any areas titled Network in the configuration. So like I said.. I just went through them all, with no luck. Next stop is to see if my firmware is out of date I suppose.. but that'll have to wait. Too tired to think right now. Thanks guys
Do you have the latest firmware?

Sorry for the delayed response, busy few days. Probably not, I haven't updated it at all. To be honest, I'm a bit cautious about that, I've not done much as far as firmware upgrades on network devices in the past. I'll look into that, no doubt I can find plenty of information on how to do so. Google is my friend.

Quick question about it though, any concerns I should have about it making my router unusable? Backing up is an obvious step, I'm just concerned about the possibility of permanent damage.
Sorry for the delayed response, busy few days. Probably not, I haven't updated it at all. To be honest, I'm a bit cautious about that, I've not done much as far as firmware upgrades on network devices in the past. I'll look into that, no doubt I can find plenty of information on how to do so. Google is my friend.

Quick question about it though, any concerns I should have about it making my router unusable? Backing up is an obvious step, I'm just concerned about the possibility of permanent damage.

It's pretty basic... you download the firmware file from their website... you go to the firmware update section in the router and browse to the file and hit update. I'm not sure it could be any easier.
Firmware upgraded, everything's functioning fine. I still do not have the above pictured button however. Researched through the user manual.. nothing of use there, either. Not sure if the function is available for this model, which sucks. Any other ideas?