Need a catchy remark!

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Limp Gawd
Nov 16, 2005
Sorry this is off-topic but I couldn't find a general forum to post this in.

My 1 year anniversary as this corporation's network administrator has come up and every month we have a staff luncheon.

During the luncheon they recognize anniversaries, etc. They will be calling me up and they typically ask "So, how did you last this long?".

I need a good comeback that isn't too offensive but hopefully funny and caters more towards the job I work at.

Have at it people, grab me a good quote to use!
"A lot of caffeine, not a lot of sleep FTW"

We have a general forum, read the announcement thread at the top of every subforum...
"Gonichiwa, bitches!"

not really.... i think you should just get up and say whatever comes to your head :)
"are you kidding!? Have you tried getting a second look from a HR department with this stain-of-a-job on your resume?"
"Because I have enough blackmail on you all to not be fired"

or even

"I'm still trying to figure that out"
Fint said:
"Cuz I'm still trying to score with CEO's daughter?"

But you have to be careful, what if the CEO's daughter is ugly and never gets some? THAN, you are forced to date the CEO's ugly daughter.
Just say..."Hey asshole...I'm an Admin and I read your e-mail...I know your bangin' lady Lisa here..."

"Cause the network would crash without me. And the free pens, paper and staples for the home office."
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