Need 939 Recommendation for Opty 165 & 2 Gigs G.Skill


Nov 23, 2004
I have an asus a8r-mvp but this board has limated vcore and cannot run memory stable at 1T. Since it doesnt seem like a bios update is coming I would like to purchase a new motherboard and sell the asus. My system is:

NeoHE 430 Power Supply
Opteron 165
2 Gigs G.Skill DDR500 ram
DFI ultra D

I just switched from an Abit to a DFI and my CSS Test at 19x12 maxed jumped from 85fps to 110. (opteron 148 and value 2gb)
I have an Ultra D with opty 165 at 2.9ghz and 2gigs of ram. Couldn't be happier...
A8N-SLI boards seems to be rather good, not as good of overclockers as DFI but still nice.
A8N SLI Deluxe is what I've got mine running on. 2.576GHz stock voltage and stock air. 267x9. Board tops out at 295MHz FSB with no extra NB cooling or voltage.
Opty 165 DEMANDS a board that can do high htt and voltage to get the most out of the cpu. That leaves very few boards worth considering. The DFI Lanparty series is currently the best boards, bar none for taking low multi cpu's to their max.

Opty 165 at 2.9ghz is running 322htt with 1.595v, most boards out there can not do what the Dfi's can do...
dtess17 said:
A8N-SLI boards seems to be rather good, not as good of overclockers as DFI but still nice.

mwarps said:
A8N SLI Deluxe is what I've got mine running on. 2.576GHz stock voltage and stock air. 267x9. Board tops out at 295MHz FSB with no extra NB cooling or voltage.
both of these boards hav issues with his power supply, id recommend either the ultra-d or the epox 9npa+ ultra
Thanks for the replies. I think I am going to go ahead and order the ultra d. -Rob