NBA 2K6 realtime gameplay video XBOX 360 - shockingly real!

AMAZING. cant wait for another year or two after the next gen systems come out, so they can really push stuff.
Little things like the sweat and the way the clothes move on the player are just mind blowing. So cool.
JESUS CHRIST is that video for real! Glad i got a Mitsubushi 65 in HDTV ill be playing these games on!WOOT
that looks crappy.. if by crappy i mean freakin awesome. man, yet another reason to get an x360.
Thanks man I was looking for a 720P version of that trailer. VERY nice indeed.
What kinda tv are you gonna need in order to really see those graphics? Or could I use my 2005fpw?
JustinSane said:
What kinda tv are you gonna need in order to really see those graphics? Or could I use my 2005fpw?

You can buy a Microsoft XBOX 360 VGA cable, so yes you can use your 2005fpw for 720p.