NB cooler even needed?


Apr 11, 2004
I have the Abit NF7-S motherboard with water cooling on CPU and NB. I am gonna add my GPU to the mix and was wondering do I need to even cool the NB? It doesnt seem like it gives off that much heat, and I could could probably get a little dinky hsf for it and save myself the hassle and just have GPU and CPU on the w-cooling. What are your guys' thoughts?
V0ltage said:
just get one of those swiftech NB coolers and you will be all set.

The Swiftech NB coolers seem to work really well. Since the NB doesn't get too hot, using the Swiftech cooler should keep it under/around the stabilized water temperature. One less restriction in your loop too.

Mine should be here soon, hoping for tomorrow. :cool:
A WC block on your NB is not really neccesary. Unless you are working with very high fsb's. Even a passive zalman solution would fix the job.
If you are watercooling everything else you may not have enough air flo to keep a passive HS cool .I just ordered one because of that reason.