Nation States


Limp Gawd
Nov 2, 2005
I'm not sure if this game is flash or not, since I havent' played it yet (no time), but it was Dugg and it looked really cool. Nation States is basically about creating your own country and through solving different problems (1 per day), your nation evolves according to how you make your decisions. I don't think that this game ends, it's more like an RPG. The game is based on politics, so it might not appeal to some of you. Sorry I posted this without playing it (please no flaming), but I'm just spitting it out there, so try it and tell me if it's any good.
I was all prepared to have a go at it, but apparently since it got Digg'd, the "Create A Nation" (i.e. Start A Game) has been disabled. How disappointing!
Since you've been playing for a while, would it bee fun for someone that's not that interested in politics and such?
Of course. The issues range from far fetched to plausible. It's fun seeing where you can guide your country, be it paradise or psychotic dictatorship.
Well, it appears I have created a right-wing utopia in the South Pacific.
I love it, I used to have 4 nations, each different. Very entertaining. Its hard to get Benevolent Dictatorship ;)

And you can change from South Pacific, I suggest you do. Just move your nation somewhere else.
iSkylla said:
And you can change from South Pacific, I suggest you do. Just move your nation somewhere else.

Why should I move my, and I do emphisize my, country?
iSkylla said:
I love it, I used to have 4 nations, each different. Very entertaining. Its hard to get Benevolent Dictatorship ;)

A bit of thread necromancy going on here, but my friend and I started playing that as a result of this thread - he just achieved Benevolent Dictatorship. :D Sort of by accident, he was doing his best to vote always in favor of nonregulation, and accidentally abolished politics and made himself dictator with 'Excessive' civil rights.
I used to do this a while ago but stopped for some reason, forgot the name of my nation though so I cant start it back up
IMO the game is overly political, and the way they have it setup to join is retarded. Its a game so my political views should not matter.

Needless to say, I won't be playing it anymore.

The main reason is I did not want to be a part of the UN but it automatically put me there. I think in real life the UN is a bad idea and I think in a game its a bad idea.
Uh, you DONT have to join the UN, and you can leave it at any time. The nation creation is to setup your nation with certain aspects. You don't have to answer along your personal views, and the info isn't collected or anything.

Edit: Missed a kinda keyword there,
Well, thats f'n stupid. You have to join it but you can leave.

So, why bother joining? Kind of like Hotel California.

The information might not be collected for anything but they are semi personal and do gauge your political stance. Its just the principle of it. Why bother asking them?

Meh...I didn't like the game.
Sorry, little typo in the last post. Fixed now. The whole notion of the game is to run a country according to your political views. How else should the game set up your nation if it doesn't know your stance on some things?