Nameserver / DNS question


Apr 16, 2002
i have a number of domains names registered through godaddy. each of them is currently set up as a masked forward to individual folders on my main hosted account, ( was registered through, and is hosted at

ie: points to the folder

here is my question: is there any way to get to resolve to the folder WITHOUT using godaddy's free forwarding?

i can't find a way to have them all hosted on the same IP, with the tools given. i have access at godaddy to change all the DNS stuff, the nameservers, CNAME, and MX entries. (i would also like to get rid of the email forwarding as well)

i've read a ton of stuff online, but all the explanations are full of holes... can't seem to find anything that explains the process step by step... (if it's even possible)

ANY help would be awesome, thanks
If you have access to your apache's configuration file you could use virtual hosts and just set each documentroot for what you want, ie. -> /home/keithstreble/
inotocracy said:
If you have access to your apache's configuration file you could use virtual hosts and just set each documentroot for what you want, ie. -> /home/keithstreble/

I don't think he has access to that, as no low-cost hosting sites give users direct access to the Apache config file. However, what he's looking for is something like a separate account for each domain.

The only thing I can suggest... is utilize a feature called SUB-DOMAIN. This will allow you to forward to and truly have (it's basically where the host edits the apache config file automatically through cPanel or whatever)

Good luck!

P.S. I'm with iPaska ( and they give you 5 sub-domains with every account... great deal if you ask me!
I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want to do, but it sounds like your looking to point your domains to real IPs instead of using forwarding. The way to do this is by using virtual hosts with apache like someone else mentioned.

Or you might just be looking for hosting your DNS outside of GoDaddy. Take a look at . Its free for up to 5 domains. I've used it for 4 years and have never had a problem.
Thanks for all the replies.. I think what I'm gonna end up doing is just switching hosts when my account is up for renewal in a few months... is a company I've heard good things about... they offer reseller accounts, so I'd be able to have each domain resolve rather than messing with domain forwarding.

anyone have any thoughts about deadserious, or any other multiple-domain hosting companies?