NAD Files Disability Civil Rights Lawsuit against Netflix

So, you want medal? Good for you. You still filed. Nothing forced you to accept the reward. Calling it 'forced' is quite disingenuous. You got screwed, you could have sued and instead you accepted entitlements from the government instead of damages from the doctor who fucked up.

Post number nine, first page in this thread. Mine.

And then there's post number 10:

Also mine.

Your first post in this thread?

Number 164.

You would have known had you even bothered to read the first page of the comments, not the whole thread of 9 pages until you posted, JUST THE FIRST PAGE before responding.

Since the time they had promised captions for all streaming media by 2010, they raised the rates on ALL PLANS to include streaming costs.

Thus the lawsuit.

You would have known this had you even paid attention before looking for a reason to chime in about your superiority through suffering.

A post caught my eye before I saw those, so I responded to it. The other person was online and thus a debate started between us, so no....I didn't go back and read your posts.

Oh, and I didn't mention my issues at all until some smart ass who thought he knew what he was talking about chimed in...just like you.

But hey, don't let any of this stop you from spewing garbage around like you know what you're talking about.

lol again at your sue the doctor comment. That one right there shows how really ignorant you are about how the real world works.

And since I can't sit or stand for more than 20 minutes at a time, and I'm on hundreds of milligrams of morphine a day...yes, I was FORCED to go to disability.
Ah, . . . . ., your silence reflects my victory.

Thank you.

You're so smug about it. I'm thankful disability is out there. I would love to see the look on your face when they kick us all off disability because they have run out of money. People like you don't deserve it....thinking it's owed to you. Pathetic.

You know what? I'm just going to come out and say it. I live by RIT and I deal with a lot of deaf people. They are some of the most rude and arrogant people I've ever meant.

On more than one occasion, one has come up to me and tried to talk to me...which, obviously, is fine. But, when I couldn't understand them because they couldn't talk right they got pissed off at me! Rude and arrogant. Almost every one I've come across.
Ah, . . . . ., your silence reflects my victory.

Thank you.

I hope your kids get afflicted with disabilities

Actually it reflects a three character minimum of original content. I didn't feel the need to post anything additional, because really your above quote says everything that needs to be said about you.

You're so smug about it. I'm thankful disability is out there. I would love to see the look on your face when they kick us all off disability because they have run out of money. People like you don't deserve it....thinking it's owed to you. Pathetic.

You know what? I'm just going to come out and say it. I live by RIT and I deal with a lot of deaf people. They are some of the most rude and arrogant people I've ever meant.

On more than one occasion, one has come up to me and tried to talk to me...which, obviously, is fine. But, when I couldn't understand them because they couldn't talk right they got pissed off at me! Rude and arrogant. Almost every one I've come across.

I'm not on disability, I have a job, thank you.
I'm not on disability, I have a job, thank you.

So then how are peoples' taxes making your life easier? Or do you work 7 hours a week at Starbucks, get governmental help, and think you're somehow superior? You're attitude reeks.
So then how are peoples' taxes making your life easier?

If you can't figure this out, then I can't help you. You just sound mad that I'm right and all you're really doing is amusing me at this point, there's not even much of a debate going on here.

The simple fact of the matter is your tax dollars will go towards helping myself and other people live better lives in spite of our disabilities.

For that I thank you heartily, even if you disagree with it.
Boomstick said:
And since I can't sit or stand for more than 20 minutes at a time, and I'm on hundreds of milligrams of morphine a day...yes, I was FORCED to go to disability.

You had other options. You just did not pursue them. Nobody can be forced to take benefits they don't want, so continue to lie to yourself if it helps you sleep at night.

Rude and arrogant. Almost every one I've come across.

You fit right in with them.

Now we know what your comments are really about. You hate deafies so you want to come in here and bash 'em. You somehow have got it figured out that because you turn everything into a battle and can claim that you were 'forced' to go on disability, you're not as lame and pathetic as those other cripples you despise.

Serious case of self loathing you've go going on there. Lemme guess, you hate fags too. Well, I got news for ya...
... and Netflix isn't one of those certain things.
Actually it is which Twenty-first Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act applies to this as well as Title III. You are obviously trying to disregard the laws that were passed and signed into law by our government.
You're so smug about it. I'm thankful disability is out there. I would love to see the look on your face when they kick us all off disability because they have run out of money. People like you don't deserve it....thinking it's owed to you. Pathetic.

You know what? I'm just going to come out and say it. I live by RIT and I deal with a lot of deaf people. They are some of the most rude and arrogant people I've ever meant.

On more than one occasion, one has come up to me and tried to talk to me...which, obviously, is fine. But, when I couldn't understand them because they couldn't talk right they got pissed off at me! Rude and arrogant. Almost every one I've come across.

You don't like a whole lot of people, don't you?
If you can't figure this out, then I can't help you. You just sound mad that I'm right and all you're really doing is amusing me at this point, there's not even much of a debate going on here.

The simple fact of the matter is your tax dollars will go towards helping myself and other people live better lives in spite of our disabilities.

For that I thank you heartily, even if you disagree with it.


Oh, and once again, since you can't read, I don't pay taxes.
You had other options. You just did not pursue them. Nobody can be forced to take benefits they don't want, so continue to lie to yourself if it helps you sleep at night.

You fit right in with them.

Now we know what your comments are really about. You hate deafies so you want to come in here and bash 'em. You somehow have got it figured out that because you turn everything into a battle and can claim that you were 'forced' to go on disability, you're not as lame and pathetic as those other cripples you despise.

Serious case of self loathing you've go going on there. Lemme guess, you hate fags too. Well, I got news for ya...

Multiple doctors have filled out form stating I cannot sit or stand for more than 20 mintues at a time. Professionals. I've been to rehab facilities. Couldn't help me.

I've been through the ringer a ton of times, and you're someone who is, obviously, ignornat when it comes to a lot of things in life.

So tell me, great one, what other "options" do I have, since you know me, know my strengths, weaknesses, and education. Since you've seen my medical records and my are familiar with my posistion.

You don't know anything, and it shows with each of your posts. Ignorance galore.
You don't like a whole lot of people, don't you?

I don't like arrogant, ignornat, selfish people. On multiple times I've admitted Im glad to have help for my condition. Some people are up in arms, sueing everyone they can, because they feel like they are entitled to everything.
I think bringing this issue to attention is a great idea, however, the whole lawsuit is just foolish. I don't purchase netflix because of the way they don't provide closed captions.

It's not like I DESERVE something because they don't provide a service. That idea is just ludicrous. If they offer a service I don't use, then I don't use their service. It's called BUSINESS. derp derp derp
I think bringing this issue to attention is a great idea, however, the whole lawsuit is just foolish. I don't purchase netflix because of the way they don't provide closed captions.

It's not like I DESERVE something because they don't provide a service. That idea is just ludicrous. If they offer a service I don't use, then I don't use their service. It's called BUSINESS. derp derp derp

I agree with you 100%. But even though the people I'm arguing with over off topic stuff are currently derping to the max, they are correct in pointed out tthat Netflix promised this, and charged more for it.

So with that in mind, I think they two options. Refunds, or impliment that shit post haste.
I think bringing this issue to attention is a great idea, however, the whole lawsuit is just foolish. I don't purchase netflix because of the way they don't provide closed captions.

It's not like I DESERVE something because they don't provide a service. That idea is just ludicrous. If they offer a service I don't use, then I don't use their service. It's called BUSINESS. derp derp derp

What's so foolish about it? They're arguing on the basis of the new law that Obama signed and under Title III. It forces Netflix to come out with why they cannot bring out subtitles in the proper fashion that they've been dragging their feet on for 4 years of requests by NAD and it's associated organizations? If Streamed Content is supposed to be the future as they claim, regardless of what they think, they have to comply with the Twenty-first Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act and they can't just serve the majority & keep excluding the remainder. It's akin to a restaurant not putting in wheelchair access and they can say "We serve the majority so we don't need to serve all." Especially what Netflix serves is rebroadcasted material that have been captioned and not exclusive content like that of YouTube. As a result of that, they are required by law to carry the subtitles over from television and integrate it into their services. NAD and it's associated groups for years even before the law consistently contacted Netflix and they were all ignored which the only public responses we can see is on their stupid blog which they use shady math to supposedly argue that they are having no problem with subtitling.

There were 2 scenarios that was going to happen:

Option 1: NAD & associated groups sues Netflix in order to coax Netflix into address their deficiency in providing subtitles including providing reasonable explanation for not doing so in the first place. NAD has worked with subtitling groups and they're even offering their services to Netflix to help fix licensing issues if there are any. There is no monetary compensation being demanded by this group since their lawyers are obviously paid on retainer.

Option 2: Would you have prefer the other solution where the Federal Government sues Netflix in order to enforce the Twenty-first Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act & Title III, forces them to update at possible greater cost since they have to pay the higher licensing fee if that's Netflix's problem, and then possibly fining them x amount which the fines are to be used for whatever the Feds chooses to direct the fines at.
You know what? I'm just going to come out and say it. I live by RIT and I deal with a lot of deaf people. They are some of the most rude and arrogant people I've ever meant.

On more than one occasion, one has come up to me and tried to talk to me...which, obviously, is fine. But, when I couldn't understand them because they couldn't talk right they got pissed off at me! Rude and arrogant. Almost every one I've come across.

Of course they couldn't talk right. They don't speak English. American Sign Language grammar doesn't even remotely resemble English grammar. ASL grammar is more alien to an English speaker than Mandarin Chinese.

What you must remember is that the reverse is also true: English grammar can be as alien to a deaf person as ASL grammar is to you. Consider how your school system taught you foreign language; you probably got a semester or two of French, Spanish or German in high school, maybe even junior high school. How much of that stuck? All the people from the deaf culture that I've talked to have complained that English grammar is poorly taught in the deaf culture.

This is where the alienation and anger of the deaf culture comes from. The American culture defaults to responding to the alien as stupid, so people in the deaf culture go through life with the large majority of hearing people assuming they are stupid and treating them as such, no matter how much they prove otherwise.

To the deaf people who tried to talk to you, you weren't the most rude and arrogant person they ever met. You were just a typical hearing person, treating them like they are stupid.

It should be no surprise that this breakdown in communication transfers to legal matters between the deaf culture and the hearing culture.
It should be no surprise that this breakdown in communication transfers to legal matters between the deaf culture and the hearing culture.
I think the sue-happy part was made up by him considering I've never seen a case where someone sues another just because they couldn't understand the other due to the language barrier. Whereas cases are based on actual discrimination defined by the ADA as well as other civil rights laws. Now considering the nature of this case, it's obvious he categorizes this as one of those "entitlements" for some reason which is absurd since this isn't about entitlement but rather about equal access.
Of course they couldn't talk right. They don't speak English. American Sign Language grammar doesn't even remotely resemble English grammar. ASL grammar is more alien to an English speaker than Mandarin Chinese.

What you must remember is that the reverse is also true: English grammar can be as alien to a deaf person as ASL grammar is to you. Consider how your school system taught you foreign language; you probably got a semester or two of French, Spanish or German in high school, maybe even junior high school. How much of that stuck? All the people from the deaf culture that I've talked to have complained that English grammar is poorly taught in the deaf culture.

This is where the alienation and anger of the deaf culture comes from. The American culture defaults to responding to the alien as stupid, so people in the deaf culture go through life with the large majority of hearing people assuming they are stupid and treating them as such, no matter how much they prove otherwise.

To the deaf people who tried to talk to you, you weren't the most rude and arrogant person they ever met. You were just a typical hearing person, treating them like they are stupid.It should be no surprise that this breakdown in communication transfers to legal matters between the deaf culture and the hearing culture.

100% incorrect.

I did not have any expectiations when they started talking to me, and I as trying my hardest to work with them. The fact of the matter is I couldn't understand them. I had no alterior motives, I simply tried, and couldn't understand them. So, instead of doing what any reasonable person would do and write down what they wanted, they actually just tried talking louder to me. And they also gave eachother "looks" like I was the one being stupid...right in front of my face. Oh, and none of the other coworkers right be me understood them either, so it wasn't just me.

And that has happened more than once. It's the most arrogant and selfish way to act towards someone, espeically since they were the one causing the issue.

I realize they just wanted to talk so they could fit in, so I tried to understand them, but and please understand, I'm not mocking them with what I'm about to say, it's just the best way i can describe how they sounded.....they sounded retarded. Like when a retarted person speaks. I just counldn't understand them.

So at that point they just should have written what they wanted down, but no. They treated my like I was a stupid asshole and they were the normal ones.

And you know what? I still didn't be a smart ass to them, because even though they were arrogant assholes I know what it's like have a disability. I'm in so much pain everyday it's hard not to be short with everyone, but I know I'm the one with the problem. So I know it must suck to be them so I give people like that a break.

But don't let that stop you from calling me names and saying I'm an asshole and I treated them incorrectly.