My Unreal2004 UT BENCHMARKS on a FX51

Originally posted by burningrave101
Oh my bad, yea proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation is really important on a hardware forum. I should probably change my major to English so i can learn even more about computer hardware :rolleyes:.

"... this isn't the place for that either." Well, that just flew right over your head, didn't it?

This is the Games forum, not General Hardware (nor English).
Originally posted by burningrave101
You guys obviously dont know crap about RAM and what happens with errors and that how if you bought several sticks of RAM theres always a good chance one or two of them can be bad. Errors hurt the systems performance and can cause alot of damage if they occur in the registry.

please shut up. oh, and for the record, all of my systems have to be dual prime95 and memtest 86 stable. does that make you happy? YAY!!!
Originally posted by Cardboard Hammer
"... this isn't the place for that either." Well, that just flew right over your head, didn't it?

This is the Games forum, not General Hardware (nor English).

I caught what you meant but i didn't see the need to comment on it. This may be the games section but he was posting about benchmarks and benchmarks are hardware performance.

I was just trying to tell the guy he had his timings set wrong and this whole argument started because of ignornant comments like:

because benchmarks and stability tests are all computers are used for!!! dontcha know?


Building a server is so much different than a desktop. If his computer does all he wants without it crapping out on him, any small amount of "errors" is negligible and in his case unnoticeable.

Alright I listen to you enough. I'd love to know why you think prime95/memtest86 are so required? He's not building a server that's mission critical here. It's his home computer. I've never run memtest86 unless I believe i have a problem with my ram and I've only ran prime once when i had my comp clocked to 200fsb. But if i toss a computer together it's my assumption that these new components i just purchased work as expected and if it's not a mission critical system then i could care less if in a month I have to do some tests because it's not acting right.
Edit: I should say if the new components get through a windows install/software install then I can pretty well assume they are fine. And this is coming for 5 years of working with this stuff in the real world.

All those comments are false statements that are just flat out not true. Having a few errors isn't "ok". Errors hurt performance and can cause lots of other issues that they may of not noticed yet. I know he had to of been causing errors because DDR isn't meant to function with a tRAS of 3 and thats what he had it set at. If he would of ran memtest86 he would of already known what the RAM was capable of when he put togethor the system. When it starts causing any errors something is wrong. You've ither overclocked it too much or your have the timings set too tight or you have a bad DIMM.

Everyone saw the need to express their expertise of doing this stuff and yet none of them seem to understand any of it. Just putting togethor a pc doesn't mean you know anything about the hardware.

I didn't mean to start an argument out of this but all this crap people were saying about errors not being a big deal and that you dont need to run stability and diagnostic tests and that if you buy the best hardware combos you have nothing to worry about. Thats just teaching someone that obviously didn't know much about RAM alot more BS that isn't true.

Im sorry for the ranting but i just dont see how someone can be so ignorant as to argue that what im saying isn't true. You would think they dont bother even going into the tech support areas of HardOCP and just live here in the games section *hint hint*.
You are the one missing the hint. The original poster didnt care for your points. That is why the remarks followed and still continue.

You expect the original poster and the rest of us to praise you like the n00bs in general hardware? Get real.
Originally posted by Wharf_Rat
You are the one missing the hint. The original poster didnt care for your points. That is why the remarks followed and still continue.

You expect the original poster and the rest of us to praise you like the n00bs in general hardware? Get real.

As far as this subject is concerned im afraid most of you know less then the noobs in general hardware. They are at least willing to learn and dont try to support unfactual truths.
Burning, noone asked to be preached upon and talked down to in this forum. I dont know what you have up your ass, but you cant accept that we dont need your advice.

My machines are working without issue, and the machines I have built for others are working without issue. Most in here agreed that they run the stress tests on the machines that they build. However the original poster didnt see a need to since it was doing what he wanted. So what is your point?

Are you going to drive to his house and run memtest and prime95 to make sure his machine is stable? If he is happy that the machine is meeting his expectations, what is your concern? What is your fucking point man?
Originally posted by Wharf_Rat
Burning, noone asked to be preached upon and talked down to in this forum. I dont know what you have up your ass, but you cant accept that we dont need your advice.

My machines are working without issue, and the machines I have built for others are working without issue. Most in here agreed that they run the stress tests on the machines that they build. However the original poster didnt see a need to since it was doing what he wanted. So what is your point?

Are you going to drive to his house and run memtest and prime95 to make sure his machine is stable? If he is happy that the machine is meeting his expectations, what is your concern? What is your fucking point man?

My fucking point is he didn't know anything about RAM. Thats one of the reasons i told him he should run memtest86 to check his settings. Setting the tRAS at 3 just cause it will go that low means you dont know enough about how DDR works. He may know lots about other stuff so im not saying he's a noob but i was just trying to help him understand it a little better. I have no problem with others responding back with how they test their systems but people were trying to argue that what i was telling him was unnecessary even though they clearly dont know a thing about errors and what happens when they occur. I'm sure nearly everone has experienced a system reboot or a crash to the desktop in the middle of the game, or a corrupted file when copying this to that and then there are other areas where you will never notice it like the registry until it does some damage.

I dont know if any of you have noticed this but the majority of forum users out there will troll threads and figure out what others are saying about stuff and then they will copy that when a question or argument over it comes up without actually knowing how it works themselves. Im just trying to get the idea that memtest86 and other tools are useless for a new built system out of the minds of those that are trying to learn. I'm not getting anywhere with this though in this section just like i wouldn't in the AMD section if i went to preaching about Intel processors which i have done a couple of times lol so i'll just drop it and keep the conversations to the forums that know more about what im talking about.
Originally posted by Stinn
Well that maybe what some book says

that would be nearly all books

Its been awhile since I posted my ESD rant
and this is my first command performance :p

According to recent studies conducted by the AT & T Bell labs, 25 % of all component failures today are related to E.S.D and out of all defective components that arrive 50%are damaged by E.S.D. the annual damage due to these failures is estimated at 25 Billion dollars

An Integrated Circuit (IC) consists of several transistors fabricated on one chip. Due to the advances in L.S.I and V.L.S.I thousands of transistors are crowded on a single chip. By decreasing the thickness of the gate oxides and interconnecting lines the manufacturers hope to achieve much higher speeds at very low power consumption. But under these conditions if the Electrostatic Discharge passes through an IC and the current that results is not diverted or diminished by a suitable protective mechanism, the discharge may raise the temperature of the junction inside the component to melting point which will cause damage to the junction or interconnecting lines. Since surface mount devices are smaller than conventional ICs they are even more susceptible to E.S.D damage. E.S.D causes two main types of failures: -

1. Immediate failure where the effect can be readily seen by the equipment manufacturer.

2. Delayed failure where the device is damaged only upto the point where it may pass quality control tests, but wears out sooner than its rated time

Table 2
Examples of Static Generation
Typical Voltage Levels

Means of Generation .........10-25% RH ......65-90% RH
Walking across carpet ......,35,000V ...........1,500V
Walking across vinyl tile ....12,000V ............250V
Worker at bench ................6,000V .............100V
Chair with urethane foam ..18,000V ...........1,500V

ESD Damage—How Devices Fail
Electrostatic damage to electronic devices can occur at any point from manufacture to field service. Damage results from handling the devices in uncontrolled surroundings or when poor ESD control practices are used. Generally damage is classified as either a catastrophic failure or a latent defect.

Catastrophic Failure
When an electronic device is exposed to an ESD event it may no longer function. The ESD event may have caused a metal melt, junction breakdown, or oxide failure. The device's circuitry is permanently damaged causing the device fail. Such failures usually can be detected when the device is tested before shipment. If the ESD event occurs after test, the damage will go undetected until the device fails in operation.

Latent Defect
A latent defect, on the other hand, is more difficult to identify. A device that is exposed to an ESD event may be partially degraded, yet continue to perform its intended function. However, the operating life of the device may be reduced dramatically. A product or system incorporating devices with latent defects may experience premature failure after the user places them in service. Such failures are usually costly to repair and in some applications may create personnel hazards.

It is relatively easy with the proper equipment to confirm that a device has experienced catastrophic failure. Basic performance tests will substantiate device damage. However, latent defects are extremely difficult to prove or detect using current technology, especially after the device is assembled into a finished product.

Static Electricity - Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

"Most books or articles indicate that a spark can't be seen until the voltage on your body reaches between 450 to 750 VDC. Others indicate that they are very hard to notice until it reaches 1000 VDC. For most people, to feel a shock from a static electricity discharge the voltage is between 2,000-4,000V. A 0.5mm arch of static electricity carries approximately 2850V."

Semiconductor Electromigration In-Depth

Originally posted by Deadlierchair
Wow, good post Ice Czar...but to not be totally anal about all of those things, would it be pretty much safe to touch stuff if I touch the metal on my case while it is off, but still plugged in and grounded?

thats the basic proceedure most employ, its best if you do that like every other move, and be aware of exactly how much RH (Relative Humidity) influences Static Discharge
Taking great care to never touch any chip or lead, handling only the PCB, perferably by the edges.

the other point of my post is that while the immediate cause and effect relationship of catastrophic failure, using the "typical" proceedure is low...

This board is filled every day with people who have developed RAM errors, data corruption problems (generally RAM) ect, Most of which can be traced to either poor power regulation (Transient Response) of the PSU,
"The ripple is the variation in voltage over a particular rail. Like we mentioned on the previous page, too much fluxuation in voltage can lead to damaged hardware.

[A surprising fact we dug up during this review was that the majority of damaged RAM returned to memory manufacturers is destoryed by fluctuations in the voltage." - AnandTech
or ESD

Latent defects caused by ESD in any IC (and they are just everywhere from HDDs to NIC, CPU, RAM ect) are massively underated as a cause of problems. If you have eliminated power fluctuation problems (PSU voltage regulation and power conditioning) and still experience a component failure, odds are that it was a latent defect, either from installation, or one that wasnt caught during manufacturing.
the membership displays a cavalier attitude towards this issue for 2 reasons, RMA's are pretty easy, and they rarely employ the same component for its fully rated lifespan, upgrading before the eventual premature failure becomes appearent.

a latent defect, not only effects the lifespan, it degrades the performance of the IC as well, and is often the difference between the "Golden Chip" benchmark leader, the norm, and "why cant I get the same OC as this guy? Ive got the same components"


Originally posted by pakotlar
I don't want to hear it from an ass like you.

that qualifies as flaming
however this isnt one of my forums
I'll edit this qoute (and get burninggrave to edit his)
if youll edit your post

Originally posted by Spinal
I think the point of this thread has been lost. No one is going to admit defeat so just move on. Just let everyone do things their way.

no comment :p
The point is that the guys system runs fine. Most systems do run fine without ever running the benchmarks. They are overkill and a waste of time.

IF later on he experiences problems, then run the benchmarks to find out what may be wrong, but I'll be damned if I am going run that shit on every computer I turn out. I would be losing my ass. Plus later on if they do experience problems it means my job is secure.

Enjoy life. That seems a little schitzo to me.
Originally posted by creedAMD
The point is that the guys system runs fine.

Well thats an educated guess that it was running fine but considering the guy had his timings set to 2-2-2-3 which is pretty much impossible without causing errors then i doubt it was running as well as he thought it was.

Most systems do run fine without ever running the benchmarks. They are overkill and a waste of time.

Yes most benchmarks are a waste of time and overkill.

Fore example:

3dmark01: waste of time and overkill
aquamark: waste of time and overkill
pcmark 2004: total waste of time and overkill

The only problem with this theory is that prime95 and memtest86 are not benchmarks. They are system diagnostic utilities. Their purpose is to push your system hardware to the max to find out how stable it really is and memtest is to make sure your RAM isn't causing errors. Both of these can push the system much farther then gaming can which then shows truely whether the system is actually stable or not.

MaximumPC just did a review on OCZ and several other memory types. The RAM was rated for PC4000 but it couldn't even run its rated speed error free let alone overclocked. The Mushkin memory was able to run its rated speed error free and so was the Kingston. But once overclocked they could only perform to a certain speed error free.

IF later on he experiences problems, then run the benchmarks to find out what may be wrong, but I'll be damned if I am going run that shit on every computer I turn out. I would be losing my ass.

If the RAM is bad its going to start putting out errors right away and depending on the severity they may or may not be noticeable in windows. Just because you can't notice them doesn't mean they aren't causing problems somewhere.

Even with the really expensive Mushkin PC3500 there are quite a few threads just on the first page in general hardware about people having to send in for replacements to Mushkin because one or two of the DIMMs was causing errors in Memtest86. Sometimes its just a couple errors and sometimes its hundreds.

Plus later on if they do experience problems it means my job is secure.

See thats the whole deal right there. Alot of people that build systems WANT the person to come back for repairs and if they test the system too much to make sure its perfect before shipping it off then they are less likely to have issues.

But i agree. Enjoy Life :).
Nothing better than the moderator nazi's(reason below) and there followers trying to make everyone feel lower than them for not doing the same things they do. Even if your building a system for someone who just wants to be able to check/write e-mails....

If you swear or bring up anything that makes the moderators dislike you in any way they will ban you, even if you've been a member for the past 6 years and have helped 50% of the members with there questions on here and constantly give positive input to knowledge seeking members.
Originally posted by 3l3m3nt
Nothing better than the moderator nazi's(reason below) and there followers trying to make everyone feel lower than them for not doing the same things they do. Even if your building a system for someone who just wants to be able to check/write e-mails....

If you swear or bring up anything that makes the moderators dislike you in any way they will ban you, even if you've been a member for the past 6 years and have helped 50% of the members with there questions on here and constantly give positive input to knowledge seeking members.

WTF are you talking about dude lol. Noone in this thread threatened to ban anyone.

And noone has been trying to make anyone feel lower than them for not doing the same things they do.

Without good moderators there would just be a bunch of kiddy flamers that post in threads where they contribute nothing but opinions on things they know little about and then they flame other members.

I think we need more moderators and more strict ones at that if we need anything cause alot slides by in several of the sections.

Nobody knows everything and forums are all about trying to help others not argue and pit fights.

And it doesn't matter if your building a major gaming rig, a server, or a computer strictly for browseing the net, the RAM is one of the most important components in a pc and any errors at all will at least hurt performance and possibly cause alot of trouble in the registry and with system reboots and game crashes and so forth. If your gonna spend a ton of money or just put togethor a cheap system i think if you care anything about it working right you can spare a few hours out of your busy computer nerd lives to run a few tests lol. And yes computer nerd goes for all of us. If we weren't infatuated with computers i dont think we would waste our time on them.

top link is from at&t bell labs? as in mama bell? as in 10 years ago?

2nd is clearly biased:

"Founded in 1982, the ESD Association is a professional voluntary association dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of electrostatic discharge (ESD) avoidance"


3rd doesn't work


There is no data available to show exactly how much of an increased effect this will have on chip lifetime. But we can assume, taking into account all the additional stresses of running at increased clock frequencies, that voltages and temperatures that the lifetime will be reduced perhaps by a factor of 10 to 100 times that of a "normal" chip.

For normal users of microchips, electromigration is not an issue, especially with the new copper chips that are being released to the market. However, for people who are overclocking their chips, one thing becomes clear: The higher the temperature and voltage within the conductor, the faster the metal atoms will move, and the faster the chip will fail due to electromigration. There is not much we can do about this, as there is really only one factor we can change - the temperature.

If we lower the temperature for the chip, we lower the energy of the atoms within the interconnects of the chip. This means that it takes a lot more energy to get the metal atoms to move and hence the possibilities of electromigration to occur are significantly reduced.

that backs you up?

I don't really care either way (and don't really know which side is correct) but if your going to make an argument bring solid evidence
Originally posted by burningrave101

And it doesn't matter if your building a major gaming rig, a server, or a computer strictly for browseing the net, the RAM is one of the most important components in a pc and any errors at all will at least hurt performance and possibly cause alot of trouble in the registry and with system reboots and game crashes and so forth. If your gonna spend a ton of money or just put togethor a cheap system i think if you care anything about it working right you can spare a few hours out of your busy computer nerd lives to run a few tests lol. And yes computer nerd goes for all of us. If we weren't infatuated with computers i dont think we would waste our time on them. [/B]

if you stop repeating this I promise to never call you a jerk again. deal? please, I can't stand hearing this over and over and over again... I think that anyone serious about overclocking their systems should rely on memtest to make sure everything is working properly. And yeah, it's a good idea to run it regardless, whether you're running stock or not. But that doesn't give you the right to force your opinion down everyone's throats. If their hardware is running fine, then let them be happy.

And yeah, I really do agree that 99% of the guys on this forum are nerds. But you know what? Nerds have changed. Now, nerds can be cool, jacked, sexy, popular. They're just incredible with computers, science, math, literature, and everyone relies on them for help. I'll take my nerd status, I love it. I'm proud to be a 21st century man.
heh, Czar

I think your buddy is the one threadcrapping, this is a thread about some dude's benchmarks on his system. This discussion does'nt even belong in this thread - as a moderator, if you're going to pull out the "flaming" stick, do so fairly.
Wow another thread totally fucked up by burningrave101? Damn man, you are really rampaging lately. You should probably take a little break from computers from a while and catch your breath.

And for the record:

The merrits of prime95 do not belong in this thread.

The cautions of ESD do not belong in this thread.

Your holier than thou additude does not belong in this thread.

So even if you were even remotely close to right on any of your points, you are still wrong over all. I mean come on, get a clue when the everyone is telling you to back off with your preaching.


Marcdaddy, can you run those same tests with Antialiasing off? The reason I ask is because I don't use AA at high resolutions, I do prefer AF though. I just want to see what I can expect with those settings. Thanks in advance.
Yes My computer just passed 24 hours of Prime and 12 hours of MEMTESt then i killed it and just ran those benchmarks for you DOC, and they increased not as much as i thought with the AA turned off.
UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2004-02-10_03.01]
Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
AuthenticAMD Unknown processor @ 2402 MHz with 1022MB RAM
RADEON 9800 XT (6422)

dm-rankin?spectatoronly=true?numbots=12?quickstart=true?attractcam=true -benchmark -seconds=77 -exec=..\Benchmark\Stuff\botmatchexec.txt

34.505486 / 88.332634 / 189.654816 fps rand[5098]
Score = 88.460815
ons-torlan?spectatoronly=true?numbots=12?quickstart=true?attractcam=true -benchmark -seconds=77 -exec=..\Benchmark\Stuff\botmatchexec.txt

9.630449 / 60.274033 / 142.661865 fps rand[3073]
Score = 60.347252
ctf-bridgeoffate?spectatoronly=true?numbots=12?quickstart=true?attractcam=true -benchmark -seconds=77 -exec=..\Benchmark\Stuff\botmatchexec.txt

38.064457 / 103.552742 / 303.098541 fps rand[16405]
Score = 103.694771
as-convoy?spectatoronly=true?numbots=12?quickstart=true?attractcam=true -benchmark -seconds=77 -exec=..\Benchmark\Stuff\botmatchexec.txt

23.413223 / 52.816498 / 115.175835 fps rand[12750]
Score = 52.874996
br-colossus?spectatoronly=true?numbots=12?quickstart=true?attractcam=true -benchmark -seconds=77 -exec=..\Benchmark\Stuff\botmatchexec.txt

34.962700 / 108.408829 / 227.224182 fps rand[26684]
Score = 108.522987
this is goin to be like shooting fish in a barrel :p

Originally posted by weezer
top link is from at&t bell labs? as in mama bell? as in 10 years ago?

Indeed, back when the scale of IC architecture was monumental in comparision to today,
ALL manufacturers employ strict ESD precautions these days and still suffer considerable loss

That is an IEEE article

2nd is clearly biased:

"Founded in 1982, the ESD Association is a professional voluntary association dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of electrostatic discharge (ESD) avoidance"

Its an association for manufacturers (including Intel, AMD ect), they developed the ANSI/ESD S20.20 standard

"What is ANSI/ESD S20.20?
ANSI/ESD S20.20 is a standard for the Development of an Electrostatic Discharge Control Program for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices).

The standard covers the requirements necessary to design, establish, implement, and maintain an Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Control Program for activities that: manufacture, process, assemble, install, package, label, service, test, inspect or otherwise handle electrical or electronic parts, assemblies and equipment susceptible to damage by electrostatic discharges greater than or equal to 100 volts of Human Body Model (HBM).

A program certified by an independent party and recognized by the Electrostatic Discharge Association as compliant with S20.20. It is an industry standard and will be required by clients."

rest assured that every major manufacturer conforms to that standard

3rd doesn't work

easy enough to remedy, try this one
illustrates the point as well


There is no data available to show exactly how much of an increased effect this will have on chip lifetime. But we can assume, taking into account all the additional stresses of running at increased clock frequencies, that voltages and temperatures that the lifetime will be reduced perhaps by a factor of 10 to 100 times that of a "normal" chip.

For normal users of microchips, electromigration is not an issue, especially with the new copper chips that are being released to the market. However, for people who are overclocking their chips, one thing becomes clear: The higher the temperature and voltage within the conductor, the faster the metal atoms will move, and the faster the chip will fail due to electromigration. There is not much we can do about this, as there is really only one factor we can change - the temperature.

If we lower the temperature for the chip, we lower the energy of the atoms within the interconnects of the chip. This means that it takes a lot more energy to get the metal atoms to move and hence the possibilities of electromigration to occur are significantly reduced.

that backs you up?

Semiconductor Electromigration Indepth was written by Duckman (Sverre Sjothen) an arguably famous overclocker nearly three years ago
and is the only article Im aware of that addresses electromigration for an overclocking perspective with the exception of Overclocking's Impact on CPU Life

But doubting the causality of electromigration in the lifespan of an IC chip is pissing into the wind.
Review the following

and from the last
"As integrated circuits become progressively more complex, the individual components must become increasingly more reliable if the reliability of the whole is to be acceptable. However, due to continuing miniaturization of very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits, thin-film metallic conductors or interconnects are subject to increasingly high current densities. Under these conditions, electromigration can lead to the electrical failure of interconnects in relatively short times, reducing the circuit lifetime to an unacceptable level (Mahadevan et al., 1996). It is therefore of great technological importance to understand and control electromigration failure in thin film interconnects."

and obviously the difference between 3.3v (or lower) and an ESD event are considerable

I don't really care either way (and don't really know which side is correct) but if your going to make an argument bring solid evidence

Id say that rudimentary research before such a post as yours
will in the future save you some embarassment :p

In summary, hundereds of millions of dollars invested by semiconductor manufactutrers, was not done on the word of some fish oil salesman, but hard science, and because it directly impacted the bottom line of those manufacturers, ignore it if you will.

Regarding the general tone this thread has taken, its a mistake to assume that the [H]ard|Forums is some sort of mutual admiration society, the primary purpose is education.

and towards that I'll link the following, addressing the original tRAS issue and data corruption in general, unless the membership assumes the only use of the computer is for games, its a valid issue and the point was raised responsibly bu burningrave101 (the conduct of this thread since then, I again have no comment on, as its not my bailiwick)
Thanks Marcdaddy, it seems you can expect your average framerate to go up 5 to 15 FPS by dropping the 2x AA. Some of the variance can be attributed to being botmatches, but on the flipside that also makes more representitive of real world results.
yes, well, back on topic, eh? Here are my results, 1280*1024 4xAA/8xAf:

41.058167 / 107.657845 / 205.106232 fps
Score = 107.798157

22.946793 / 64.929695 / 142.920273 fps
Score = 65.016663

23.369764 / 75.715195 / 152.518509 fps
Score = 75.795212

29.103951 / 93.785919 / 206.879028 fps
Score = 93.875381

39.072826 / 141.844376 / 250.343628 fps
Score = 142.087036

this is with sound off by the way. I figured my TBSC would hamper performance a bit. to get sound off you have to edit some .ini files. pm me if you can't figure it out.

As a reference point I get about 267 fps on flyby in ut2k3 and 95 - 96 in botmatch (edit: at 1024*768 no af or aa).
*raises hand*

I have a request.

Can we please discuss FX51 benchmarks in UT2k4? If you want to preach the benefits of ESD, RAM timings, Memtest, or cleaning your monitor with a brillo pad, please start your own thread. I was interested in these benchmarks, but got a lesson on the above non-related items instead. All in all I read 2 posts in 4 pages on the topic at hand.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Phoenix86
*raises hand*

I have a request.

sounds like a plan, any rebuttal or continuation of those issues
can be posted in another thread and PM me a link, or post it here

Im participating in this thread by request
to specifically address those issues
Ph ya and my sound is on using the EAX2 driver within the game, ill run it at 1920X1440 and see what kind of scores i get.
Game settings I used, highest possible choice in everything. Sound options are the highest as well. Hardware EAX enabled too.


No AA/No AF.

41.586037 / 93.317604 / 181.152573 fps
Score = 93.431915

22.303217 / 56.226337 / 111.360321 fps
Score = 56.296806

24.273390 / 81.621239 / 135.503067 fps
Score = 81.739265

34.053097 / 133.264420 / 244.332947 fps
Score = 133.392395

41.123947 / 131.646072 / 270.936340 fps
Score = 131.829437


43.391029 / 83.978737 / 192.338531 fps
Score = 84.077187

22.520294 / 54.094753 / 108.967018 fps
Score = 54.161938

24.198044 / 55.889057 / 120.259666 fps
Score = 55.963257

34.403339 / 124.083138 / 239.943970 fps
Score = 124.205956

39.578270 / 102.426720 / 256.932709 fps
Score = 102.563248


37.133739 / 72.628677 / 193.864471 fps
Score = 72.731873

17.104031 / 47.281433 / 110.374954 fps
Score = 47.339661

15.256286 / 49.014946 / 122.000816 fps
Score = 49.084663

34.763042 / 109.025406 / 231.072266 fps
Score = 109.134003

40.444370 / 84.674141 / 214.077744 fps
Score = 84.774918

3.9gig P4
1gig HyperX DDR 520@1:1
9800XT+overdrive enabled, 4.2's
36gig Raptor
Audigy ZS
Ok, I am new here, and if this is the kind of crap I can expect in threads I create in the future, I might as well just leave, right?

Sorry for being off topic... although, now that I think about it, this seems quite on topic after looking at a majority of this thread.

Why in the bloody hell did a UT 2004 benchmark thread turn into a flame war about burn in programs? Ahh yes, that's why... Some jerk off had to initiate a pissing contest in a thread that wasn't his.

If this is the kind of crap that happens around here, I would like to know right now so I can ditch these forums.

I know because I have a low post count my opinions are irrelevant, but regardless, I'd like to know if this is common here.

As for you, burning... you come off as nothing but a complete and utter waste of semen. God help you.


Your post was just as worthless, and broke a forum rule as well.

Absolutely NO FLAMING OR NAME CALLING, this is grounds for immediate removal of your posting privileges.

I dont care if you leave or not, personally.
Originally posted by fallguy
Your post was just as worthless, and broke a forum rule as well.

I dont care if you leave or not, personally.

Sigh... I apologize.

I seriously hope you can at least slightly grasp the point I am trying to make here.

Meh... Figures. Never the good guy. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by diabx0r
If this is the kind of crap that happens around here, I would like to know right now so I can ditch these forums.
If you where to stop and think about it, this little exchange goes to the heart of a larger debate, one that you will find in most of the forums here, and that is optimizing to a benchmark vs a well rounded and totally stable config. From Video Cards, Mainboards, OC & Cooling to Data Storage, the same issue is rehashed again and again, and never the twain will meet.

So yes, this kind of crap is to be expected wherever your goin to go, because the core members that try to provide informatin regarding the consequences of the sole pursuit of a benchmark at the expense of other factors will almost always chime in. Because they feel its their responsibility to make others who may not even be participating aware of these issues.

Generally speeking however the information is better recieved
and the imparting of it more congenial :p

However Id like to apologize to Macdaddy, The actual reason for this post
because after a careful review of this thread, he specifically stated that
"Dude all i do is Overclock, and upgrade monthly
As long as my system is stable, can play all the games i play
wothout a problem whats the need
A post I missed in my initial review
and which specifically states this rig is solely for the pursuit of one thing

So come on by Data Storage and well debate stripe sizes for RAID and Benchmarks :p
Originally posted by diabx0r
Ok, I am new here, and if this is the kind of crap I can expect in threads I create in the future, I might as well just leave, right?

Sorry for being off topic... although, now that I think about it, this seems quite on topic after looking at a majority of this thread.

Why in the bloody hell did a UT 2004 benchmark thread turn into a flame war about burn in programs? Ahh yes, that's why... Some jerk off had to initiate a pissing contest in a thread that wasn't his.

If this is the kind of crap that happens around here, I would like to know right now so I can ditch these forums.

I know because I have a low post count my opinions are irrelevant, but regardless, I'd like to know if this is common here.

As for you, burning... you come off as nothing but a complete and utter waste of semen. God help you.



The only thing i tried to do at the start of this thread was explain to the guy he had his timings set wrong. I didn't go about it in an off topic maner ither. I didn't start talking about how nice the weather was today. I was speaking directly to him about his computer and was only trying to help. AFTER that then several people started responding trying to contradict what i was telling him and they were providing no help to the matter at all. So if anyone was thread crapping it was those individuals. Timings have just as much to do with Games as benchmarks do and if everyone else wouldn't of saw the point in proving me wrong the issue would of been resolved in two or three replys and we could of talked about the benchmarks.

I apologize to Macdaddy for helping in continueing the arguement to prove that i was right though.

So if you wanna call someone an utter waste of semen it should be those that provide nothing to ither discussion other then opinions and ideas that are supported by no facts.
I AINT MAD Burnin gGrave dont bother me at all, i like to try all sorts of timing combinations with ram, but i am still interested in some other people posting there results in the UT 2004 demo.