My Samsung 940B Review

I was just researching LCDs on newegg today and came up with this monitor. It was my top choice and I'm glad to see the postive feedback/ratings in this thread. I do have a concern though... I like to play games in low resolutions (640x480 or 800x600, 1024x768 max) because my computer can't handle games like BF2 with higher resolutions. I know that LCDs have a native resolution but will this monitor be able to play games in lower resolutions (640 and 800) different from its native? I also have a question about the maximum refresh rate (I believe it is 75Hz), will this cap my fps in Counter-Strike at 75? My friend used to have an LCD monitor that had this problem, I know about turning vsync off but even with it off his monitor would not go above 60 fps even though his computer was capable of doing 100.
I've played games at 1024x768 and they've looked great. Not fuzzy or anything I could notice (of course, the environment the game was in did make it harder to notice a decrease in image was the rainbow six lockdown demo)
When downsampling to lower resolutions, the text sometimes comes out looking bad, but the game environment usually looks fine, at least to me. I'm playing a game now that has a fixed 800x600 resolution and it looks excellent. I'd say it might depend on the game.
Yeah, it depends on the game more. I was playing good ol' StarCraft (640x480!) on my 940b and it looks fine.
So, does anyone have any experiencing playing CS 1.6 or BF2 on 640x480 or 800x600 with this monitor?
I tried playing CS 1.6 @ 800x600, doesn't seem to look too good. Your 9800pro should be able to handle 1280x1024 easily. As for BF2, I don't have the game so I can't try it out.
i have played BF2 at lesser resolutions on accident, it looks pretty good if you can crank up the AA, otherwise low res's just never look quite up to par no matter what panel..
aznpxdd said:
I tried playing CS 1.6 @ 800x600, doesn't seem to look too good. Your 9800pro should be able to handle 1280x1024 easily. As for BF2, I don't have the game so I can't try it out.

I'm not concerned about performance, I just prefer to play the game at lower resolutions. I play better that way.
biohazard_nz said:
Same here. Some people even use 640x480 o_O

That is actually what I play at (for CS at least).

bradyapba said:
Hahahaa, the ole if i play at bigger resolutions, the more head shots i will get.

Once you play the same way for 3 years its kind of hard to switch, believe me I've tried. If you looked at the settings of pro players I would guess 99% of them use 1024x768 or lower (and I'm not exaggerating at all).
Keller said:
That is actually what I play at (for CS at least).

Once you play the same way for 3 years its kind of hard to switch, believe me I've tried. If you looked at the settings of pro players I would guess 99% of them use 1024x768 or lower (and I'm not exaggerating at all).
It's probably for a higher FPS more than anything, so they don't lag out during points of intense action.
GilmourD said:
It's probably for a higher FPS more than anything, so they don't lag out during points of intense action.

Thats part of the reason as well. Yes, I could run the game at a high resolution but I would not get 100fps at all times if at all.
Hmm, for some reason the colors on budwise's bf2 vid look fine. When I play Karkand however, the colors don't look good like that even though I'm playing the video on the same monitor. Can someone please help me with this? I tried uninstalling natural color, it still looks the same. The other games look fine however.
Nutster said:
I also just got my 940b, intial impression was very good, excellent build qulity, stylish frame, very stable stand made with metal, not just plastic like so many others. Hooked it up to my 6800gs with dvi calbe, and colors were way off, everything looked like crap, then I reinstalled driver, and everything looks anwesome. However, there is serious backlight bleeding problem on the bottom portion, everything looks washed out there, I can lower contrast and brightness to fix it, then top is too drak :( , no matter what angle I looked it. It's driving me nut, and I'm thinking about rma it, so are there anything i should know before i contact samsung? (ordered it from zzf)

All of these monitors have light bleeding at the edges. It's because they are incredibly bright monitors, not dull looking things like alot of Dell's. If you dont have any dead pixels, I would keep it.
Keller said:
So, does anyone have any experiencing playing CS 1.6 or BF2 on 640x480 or 800x600 with this monitor?

It's not as clear as the native resolution. Looks a bit fuzzy. It's not very noticeable in BF2 (looks fine, actually), but in CS:S it's a huge difference IMHO.
have to have 100 fps.. that just cracks me up....there is no noticable difference from 60-100 fps....

i would much rather have my game play at a higher detail, and look better, than have to play at800x600 so i can get 130 fps, which plays no different than 60 fps.
bradyapba said:
have to have 100 fps.. that just cracks me up....there is no noticable difference from 60-100 fps....

i would much rather have my game play at a higher detail, and look better, than have to play at800x600 so i can get 130 fps, which plays no different than 60 fps.

I hear so many people say this and I honestly don't understand it at all. You may not be able to "see" a difference between 60 and 100 fps but I, and many others, can feel a huge difference while playing. My game is thrown way off when I don't have 100 fps, there definitely is a difference.
bradyapba said:
have to have 100 fps.. that just cracks me up....there is no noticable difference from 60-100 fps....

i would much rather have my game play at a higher detail, and look better, than have to play at800x600 so i can get 130 fps, which plays no different than 60 fps.
The point is that if you're averaging 100fps, that includes the dips below 60fps, which can affect mouse movement and accuracy of a shot in a properly coded FPS with realistic physics.
if you gotta play that low to get decent frames, its time for a new vid card :p
Budwise said:
if you gotta play that low to get decent frames, its time for a new vid card :p
You know... You have a great point there. I get 100FPS in CS:Swith everything set high, no AF or AA, at 1024x768 with my 6600GT. LOL
it just cracks me up... its something my 12 year old would say... "dad i cant play at that screen size, becuase I wont get as many heads shots!" Or... "i wont get as many kills"... he would rather player at some pixelated 800x600, becuase it might mean a few more kills, and a beautiful 1600x1200, becuase it messes up his head shot rate.

if you have to play that way, time to upgrade of you cant play a 6 year old game like CS 1.6 at higher than 60 fps.

any ways time for my review!
Review time!

Sorry it took so long, but I finally have a New Egg complaint. I have probably 30-40 orders from them over the years and neve rhad a problem.. but this time, they sent my Monitor from NJ.. and got that in 2 days(yeah, that was the good part!).. but sent my cable from CA, which took 5 days. If you know this monitor doesn't come with DVI cables wouldn't you have some in your NJ Warehouse to ship out with your Supplies of LCD monitors. Just a supply issue.. not a biggie, but i had come to expect perfection from the Egg!

Ok, onto the review:


I was afraid from going from my 22 inch Hitachi CRT to a 19 inch LCD. Well my fears were unfounded... as this monitor is a nice size, pretty much feels like the same as my 22 CRT. And gives me a lot more desk space, and its a lot cooler in the room now that the 22 inch heater of a monitor was removed. I Love the Silver look, as it matches my LL case, and my custom made WC enclosure.



It was packaged really well, with a LOT of foam around the whole monitor, i was impressed. As stated before, a lack of DVI cable was unfortunate, and added $13 to the total cost. Also lacking was any kind of manual to help explain the Software, etc... it was all on the CD.. sometimes i like a hard copy to thumb through.



For some reason the driver off my CD wouldn't load, I have to load it off the Web site. No biggie, just a little annoying. Besides that, installed fine.


Image Quality:

Mine looked pretty good right out of the box. A little tweaking of brightness, contrast, some coloring.. and it looks pretty stunning. Of course i had to use it with the analog cable.. which was ok, but then when went to DVI... WOW. Everything was more crisp.. esp text, excel, and surfing. Really amazing. No dead pixels. There is some slight back lighting on the top and bottom...roughly a half inch. Only shows up on some occasional black load screens. This is ONE bright monitor. I personally like that, becuase then i can adjust it to my liking... cant make a dull monitor brighter.



Simply stunning. Everything I have thrown at it, from CS:S to Rome Total war, and about 10 games in between, has been BEAUTIFUL. No ghosting what so ever. Handles everything flawlessly, and looks crisp and more detailed than my CRT.


Final Words:

I got my at New Egg for $295 after rebate. I great price for an amazing monitor. It had a few issues... No DVI cable, no manual, driver didn't work, and some slight back lighting. But those were all minor issues. Over all, i am impressed, and extremely happy with my purchase. The image quality was amazing, simple install, and easy to tweak.

Ok a few pics from my digital Cam for reference, obviously cant do it total justice:

the background:



farther away:



load screen.. no back lighting issue here at all:



i love the reflection in the water

Nice little review bradyapba. Glad to see my son and I aren't the only ones playing Sacred Underworld (or Sacred Gold)... :p
yup thats gold.. just picked it up for $20 the other day, so its the current D and D game im playing, its fun becuase it has co-op... we had finished NWN, DS II.. and were looking around for a CO-OP game to play.. cant beleive more companys dont include co-op options.. and since Ghost Recon III wont be out for another month.. we came across sacred gold a couple of weeks ago, saw it had co-op.. so we picked it up! Its pretty fun.

WHats your Fav character to play?
bradyapba said:
yup thats gold.. just picked it up for $20 the other day, so its the current D and D game im playing, its fun becuase it has co-op... we had finished NWN, DS II.. and were looking around for a CO-OP game to play.. cant beleive more companys dont include co-op options.. and since Ghost Recon III wont be out for another month.. we came across sacred gold a couple of weeks ago, saw it had co-op.. so we picked it up! Its pretty fun.

WHats your Fav character to play?

Taking this to PM so we don't go too far OT... ;)
looks very sharp next to that water box! I went through your build thread, very nice work.
thanks! It really does go well with my build. Im quite proud of that build. Cant wait to start my second.... need some inspiration..... might try some acylic this time.
Bradyapba we have alot of common equipment, i as well have the exact same altec speakers, and the same uniden phone!!! Not to mention a 940b as well, mines black tho......
GilmourD said:
You know... You have a great point there. I get 100FPS in CS:Swith everything set high, no AF or AA, at 1024x768 with my 6600GT. LOL

What drivers? I get around 50fps with my 6600gt.
gallatin said:
What drivers? I get around 50fps with my 6600gt.
Currently 77.77. Yeah... Haven't upgraded in a while. :) But that's what I got. It would average around 100, and dip to around 65-70 if everything got CRAZY. Very smooth. But like I said, no AA or AF, which I think is key. I'm happy with that, since I'm going to be getting the 940B or BF eventually, and 1280x1024 should yield me some very playable FPS at similar settings. :)
Eagle156 said:
Does anyone else notice some weirdcolors sometimes? Check out this vid if you have a 940b: Loop&resID=hi . Doesn't the grass look kind of a strange color? Sort of too yellowish/greenish stale color? That happens alot in BF2, I never got this with my CRT. It's as if this display is missing a color or something.

Try calibrating the colors from the MagicTune software and/or natural colors. You can try the MagicBright text/internet/game/movie/sport settings too.
Keller said:
I was just researching LCDs on newegg today and came up with this monitor. It was my top choice and I'm glad to see the postive feedback/ratings in this thread. I do have a concern though... I like to play games in low resolutions (640x480 or 800x600, 1024x768 max) because my computer can't handle games like BF2 with higher resolutions. I know that LCDs have a native resolution but will this monitor be able to play games in lower resolutions (640 and 800) different from its native? I also have a question about the maximum refresh rate (I believe it is 75Hz), will this cap my fps in Counter-Strike at 75? My friend used to have an LCD monitor that had this problem, I know about turning vsync off but even with it off his monitor would not go above 60 fps even though his computer was capable of doing 100.

If you wanna make the move to LCD you've got to get used to 75 FPS in games. Your screen will be refreshed 75 times in a second but 120FPS still looks smoother than 75FPS. This is one of the tradeoffs of LCDs but I think you can get used to it.
Is it just me or is there HORRIBLE banding that occurs with transitions tiny differences in colors? For example, a halo of a light in a game would appear banded and ugly in its small gray-white color transitions instead of being smooth. Is this a problem with the monitor or with the games I'm playing? It occurs often in pictures too.
im not exactly sure what you are referring to, but it sounds like maybe a video card issue. Can you give us any pics?
I have an ATI X800XL, 1024mb ram, and AMD XP 2800+. I'm running on DVI using the cable on newegg that you linked to and I'm running at 1280X1024 @ 75hz. I tried changing the refresh rate but it doesn't help. Here is a screenshot of the problem: (if you want to see if it occurs on your system, here is the original wallapaper: