My ping is now crap in CS


Aug 15, 2004
I used to be able to get under 50 ping easy in most of North America but now I cannt even get under 50 anywhere.

Rates do nto effect ping correct? I have tried different rates and my ping is still shit. I have DSL through SBC. If anyone could help me that would be greatly appreciated.

Here are my Pc Pitstop scores:
Upload speed: 324 kilobits per second(everytime)
Download speed: 639 kilobits per second
Download speed: 559 kilobits per second
Download speed: 642 kilobits per second

---------------------------DNS Location Average Ping1 Ping2 Ping3 Dallas, TX, USA 84 85 85 83 Andover, MA, USA 118 117 118 119
--------------------Geneva, Switzerland 197 196 201 195 (various) 108 109 107 107 (various) 65 66 66 64
u]www.un[/url] Adelaide, Australia 296 297 296 295
You only have this problem in CS? or is it all of your games? how's your browsing?
I dont run that shit...

I usually have mirc and aim going and maybe ie when I play
its been ongoing for about 3-4 months... dont ask why I just havent care enough to try to fix it form when it first happened. But now with cal coming up it needs to be fixed. And I think it got a little worse in the past couple of weeks.
Have SBC check your lines, I use to get dropped packets every few seconds through SBC. They are a horrible ISP, they use to be Pacbell (who had a class action lawsuit from customers because of bad service).
Im stuck with them. It took me 3 years to get my parents to get rid of AOL(lol) And they get a really good deal with the phone bill and dsl in one package.

SO I should call and ask them?
set this to lan/t1> 1M


some times it changed back to 28.8k and you internet sees that you only want it to workso hard so it will only go 28.8k
Shakezilla said:
Here are my Pc Pitstop scores:
Upload speed: 324 kilobits per second(everytime)
Download speed: 639 kilobits per second
Download speed: 559 kilobits per second
Download speed: 642 kilobits per second

---------------------------DNS Location Average Ping1 Ping2 Ping3 Dallas, TX, USA 84 85 85 83 Andover, MA, USA 118 117 118 119
--------------------Geneva, Switzerland 197 196 201 195 (various) 108 109 107 107 (various) 65 66 66 64
u]www.un[/url] Adelaide, Australia 296 297 296 295

since you're in michigan, you would almost expect the ping to MA and TX to be the same, but of course the internet doesn't always work like that.

also, your pings to yahoo and google should be almost identical no matter where int he states you are. seeing as SBC and yahoo are supposed to have some kind of deal going, you'd expect much better response times from them.

what is likely happening is a bad router somewhere above you. try running trace routes to various web sites (,,, and see what the latency is between your hops to each. you might find that there is one router that is causing all the problems. armed with this information you can call tech support and demand them to deal with it, which means you will probably have to call during the day at normal business hours because the seconf you start mentioning traceroute, ping times, latency and routers, the help desk monkies will send you up to tier 3 tech support where the guy knows the difference between their computer and their modem. tier 3 typically doesn't work 24/7, that would be too convenient for their customers.
My steam was set to 768k I put on the Lan one. I will check that in a sec.(I doubt it will help) I did a traceroute before and nothing was abnormally high. I will check different tracerroutes though. Thanks for all the advise so far.

One time my dsl kept going out and they came out and the lines were corroded in the back and they fixed that. Do you tihnk that could be happening again?
Wow you are lucky you have non shitty dl speeds with sbc dsl. Man im lucky if i hit 100kb >< I have no clue why but dsl around here just blows it hard.
Shakezilla said:
My steam was set to 768k I put on the Lan one. I will check that in a sec.(I doubt it will help) I did a traceroute before and nothing was abnormally high. I will check different tracerroutes though. Thanks for all the advise so far.

One time my dsl kept going out and they came out and the lines were corroded in the back and they fixed that. Do you tihnk that could be happening again?


"Download Bandwidth Test Results
Download speed: 1485 kilobits per second
Test details: 3354 kilobytes downloaded in 18.062 seconds.
Upload speed: 384 kilobits per second

i ment u chaged it to lan/t1 whats the results. r u goin faster?

then i just posted my pc pitstop scores
Shakezilla said:
One time my dsl kept going out and they came out and the lines were corroded in the back and they fixed that. Do you tihnk that could be happening again?

that is not at all unlikely. how long ago was this, and how long did it take from when they hooked you up to when the dsl began dropping off?

the only way to fix the corroded lines is either to replace them, or spray off the corroded parts with a cleaner and maybe some scrubbing, and hope there isn't any permanent damage. usually the damage isn't so bad that you can't make clear phone calls, but it usually effects your DSL throughput.

also, somehting to consider is that whatever was causing the corrosion in the first place (water leaking right on the line, broken insulation, etc) and if they fixed the cause of the problem rather than just the symptome. if you know where the line is that they "fixed" you may want to grab a flashlight and see how it looks.
It was in the middle of summer so however long ago that was. I may take a look at them.
SBC is just so incompetent. Umm and I dunno how long is it happened after we first got DSL maybe like a year.
the fact that it is actually getting worse over time speaks of deteriorating something, be it your lines or SBC's service... gotta check the lines to verify or discount one of those options.
Im wondering if my tests are bad too? Or are my tests fine and somethign wrong with my CS
thedude42 said:
since you're in michigan, you would almost expect the ping to MA and TX to be the same, but of course the internet doesn't always work like that.

also, your pings to yahoo and google should be almost identical no matter where int he states you are. seeing as SBC and yahoo are supposed to have some kind of deal going, you'd expect much better response times from them.

what is likely happening is a bad router somewhere above you. try running trace routes to various web sites (,,, and see what the latency is between your hops to each. you might find that there is one router that is causing all the problems. armed with this information you can call tech support and demand them to deal with it, which means you will probably have to call during the day at normal business hours because the seconf you start mentioning traceroute, ping times, latency and routers, the help desk monkies will send you up to tier 3 tech support where the guy knows the difference between their computer and their modem. tier 3 typically doesn't work 24/7, that would be too convenient for their customers.
This is the correct way to go. Trace to several different addresses and see what your results are. Chances are you're going to run into a common denominator as far as an overworked router. Could be too that the DSLAM you're parked at is packed as well.
I did these at PcPitStop There is only two that go over 100ms

Avg ms
1---51 --- (
2 --- 52 (
3 --- 52 --- (
4 --- 61 --- (
5 --- 61--- (
6 --- 62 --- (
7 --- 61--- (
8 --- 61 ---
9 --- 64 --- (
10 --- 70 --- (
11 --- 81 --- (
12 --- 81 --- (
13 --- 352 ---
14 --- 94 --- (
15 --- 90 --- (
16 --- 89 --- (
17 --- 90 --- (

1 --- 51 --- (
2 --- 51 --- (
3 --- 51 --- (
4 --- 60 --- (
5 --- 61 --- (
6 --- 61 --- (
7 --- 61--- (
8 --- 62 --- (
9 --- 61--- (
10 --- 64 ---
11 --- 66 ---
12--- 63--- (

1 --- 51 --- (
2 --- 52--- (
3 --- 52--- (
4 --- 59--- (
5 --- 61--- (
6 --- 61 --- (
7 --- 61 --- (
8 --- 62 ---
9 --- 63 --- (
10 --- 66 ---
11 --- 82 --- (
12 --- 82 ---
13 --- 89 ---
14 --- 112 --- (
15 --- 90--- (
16 --- 89 --- (
17 --- 91 --- (
Check what these values are in your console:


I was fairly into CS for a few years and played with these "rates"

cl_cmdrate 60
cl_updaterate 60
cl_rate 9999
rate 15000

edit: I just reread your first post, and I see you said that rates wouldn't affect ping. I always had problems with ridiculously high ping after watching HLTV. For whatever reason, HLTV would randomnly change my cl_cmdrate to 10 and my rate to 2500. I could just change them back to the numbers above, and my ping would be fine again.
If your rates are the case, you might want to think about using a userconfig.cfg (it's an autoconfig) to store these numbers.
verdad said:
edit: I just reread your first post, and I see you said that rates wouldn't affect ping. I always had problems with ridiculously high ping after watching HLTV. For whatever reason, HLTV would randomnly change my cl_cmdrate to 10 and my rate to 2500. I could just change them back to the numbers above, and my ping would be fine again.
If your rates are the case, you might want to think about using a userconfig.cfg (it's an autoconfig) to store these numbers.
What you really should do is setup your config.cfg they way you want it to be, and then make it read only. That way every time you start CS your settings will be correct.
dudewth said:
What you really should do is setup your config.cfg they way you want it to be, and then make it read only. That way every time you start CS your settings will be correct.
Sure, makes sense. Either way will work. Here's a little tidbit I've quoted from another site, should anyone want to know the difference between the config & userconfig.

"The only difference between the config.cfg and the userconfig.cfg is that in the newest steam version of Half-Life the config.cfg file is change back to default after the game is ended. So if you entered the commands in the config.cfg file and then played, after you left the game the commands you just entered would disappear and you'd have to re-enter them. Instead of doing this we use the userconfig.cfg file and put the commands that we want permanant in it."
I do have a read only config. I will check my rates but they should be fine and like i said rates dont really affect it.
Does anyone see anything wrong with the traceroutes?

I really wana eliminate every possibility before waiting on hold for an hour to talk to the SBC people.
Shakezilla said:
I did these at PcPitStop There is only two that go over 100ms

Avg ms

13 --- 352 ---

13 --- 89 ---

14 --- 112 --- (

taking these 3 results fromt he seperate traceroutes. it looks like the one router that had the big latency was an intermittant result, and the one with the 112 ping was theplanet, hardocp's host, so not likely affecting your gamming.

i looked up who owns the address, and it turns out they are a broadband company here in austin. i'm thinking that the chances that router is caustin your problem are slim to none, or else we'd probably hear more people freaking out about it here in texas.

also, your pings are pretty consistant. regardless of those few flukes (which happen normally from time to time) i would say we're pointing down the road of a problem with your own hardware (lines, modem, etc).

one test you might try is when your pings in game get really bad, open your command line (click run, type "cmd" without the quotes, click ok) and type in the following:

ping -t

this will start to ping google until you hit the ctrl-c keys, or close the window. what it will also do is tell you the latency, and let you watch whether or not the latency spikes periodically. i would highly advise that when it's rainning or snowing, you run this for about 5 minutes and watch it close. just make sure you're not doing anything online, like chatting, downloading or surfing the web, as that will effect the latency. spider solitaire is always a good way to pass the time while you're watching continuous pings.

the catch as i mentioned before is that SBC's tech support probably won't come out for a problem unless it meets certain criteria, and if you tell them you're seeing spikes in the 200+ ms range, and you take a screen shot of it, they will be forced to deal with it. hopefully they will just take your word for it, but if they run tests from their end to you, and do not experience the latency, they will usually blow you off. occasionally those tests are inconclusive, so it's up to you to do their dirty work for them.