My pc will not let me upgrade ram past 1 gig


Jul 17, 2004
I try to upgrade past 1 gig and one of two things happen. If I fill up all slots with 512 sticks for 2 gig the pc continues to crash to bios entry screen. If I put in 3 512 it only reads 512 ram. If I put in two 512 sticks it reads fine .

System specs a8mvp crossfire 1900 corsair 3200xl 2-2-2-5 ram windows xp fx-53 500psu enermax
bump vdimm up to 2.7v for all 4 sticks?
command rate is set to 2T, right?
I bumbed vdimm to 2.7 but it kept going to bios to reset default. Where would I find the command rate to see if it is set to 2t and not 1. My abit bios showed that easy but can/t seem to find the place where it is in asus bios screen.
Find your motherboard manual some mobos (older ones) will only allow upgrading of ram in pairs, and must be inserted in particular ways.
davef139 said:
Find your motherboard manual some mobos (older ones) will only allow upgrading of ram in pairs, and must be inserted in particular ways.

I don't really thing his a8mvp crossfire 1900 board is that old :p :rolleyes:
Yeah looked in the manual and still can't find anything about cammand rate settings.. I wanted to check on that as someone had mentioned. Anyone else out there with this board know where it's located in the settings.