My old Dell 1905FP ... Keep or Upgrade?


Limp Gawd
Apr 9, 2008
I've had the Dell UltraSharp 1905FP for a few years. It's been an amazing monitor with great clarity. However, It's 19", not wide-screen, and is only 1280 x 1024 native resolution.

I've recently upgraded to a i7 system and plan to play games for the first time. Gaming at a high resolution is supposed to be much better. So... What "modern" monitor should I replace it with, while maintaining the all-around quality of the old UltraSharp?

Samsung, LG, a new Dell? Any suggestions?
Your 1905FP is actually a great monitor. It is either a Samsung PVA or AU Optronics P-MVA model. Either way, both panels are good all-around and are much better than the crappy TN panels. Nowadays, most "modern" monitors sold are TN panels. If you like your 1905FP, I'd suggest just keeping your great and trusty monitor. Otherwise, you might be in for some disappointment when you buy a new monitor and realize it looks worse than your 3 year old monitor. I've had a 1905FP, it was great... I stayed with the same high quality panels and got a 2001FP, 2407FPW, and a now just a 2007FP. It's harder to find good monitors for cheap. I actually wish I had my 1905FP back again. I would be more than happy to take yours if you don't want it :)