my New Year's Resolution is...

I am gonna aim for 1920x1200... but I think 1680x1050 is gonna be where I settle.
LVM-37W3 :)

(which will take me lower in res, but larger in immersion)
I dunno if my 6800GT can handle games nicely at 1680x1050 so I'll also be going for 1440x900.. :)
feo said:
I dunno if my 6800GT can handle games nicely at 1680x1050 so I'll also be going for 1440x900.. :)

Get one with 1:1 pixel mapping and you won't have to compromise :cool:
ToddMcF2002 said:
Get one with 1:1 pixel mapping and you won't have to compromise :cool:
Ideally I'd like to play without the black bars on the top and bottom. Im sure I'll be satisfied with 1440x900....for now:)
feo said:
Ideally I'd like to play without the black bars on the top and bottom. Im sure I'll be satisfied with 1440x900....for now:)

See I don't get that - but I hear that alot. What about later when you upgrade the rest of your system? You'll wish you had the extra real estate then. I can't play every game I own at this res either - but soon I will!
ToddMcF2002 said:
See I don't get that - but I hear that alot. What about later when you upgrade the rest of your system? You'll wish you had the extra real estate then. I can't play every game I own at this res either - but soon I will!
Well the LCD I'm getting (Samsung 940BW) is gonna be my very first LCD so moving to 1440x900 from 1024x768 is gonna be a big step for me. When i do upgrade my 6800GT I'll maybe get a 24"er if I have the cash, if you got a big LCD with high native res then its no fun playing games 1:1. Thats why im sticking to 1440x900 for now, my 6800GT (I dont think) wont be able to cope with 1680x1050 and I dont plan only blowing money on an expensive GFX card right now..
I upgraded to 1920x1200 a few days ago on a Dell 2407WFP and it is glorious. :eek:
my current (VX2025) 1680x1050 + (Dell 24) 1920x1200 this summer, or mayby 1080 tv (probably Westy) 37" - 42"
1920x1200. And I'm still on a CRT. Seriously, I just haven't found the right flat panel yet. Since I can get 1920x1200 on my CRT, I cannot see going any less on a flat panel.
My new Westy 37" should be here tomorrow, replacing my 32" Westy. 1920x1080, here I come!
I need 2 Dell 2001 for placing them besides my 3007. Using the pivot function it should fit and give me 4960x1200 :D
1680x1050x1680x1050x1600x1200x1280x1024...whatever the hell that is.