My new chassis (can't buy it in stores)

DudeItsMe said:
Well I'm sorry if my reply made me sound like an ass. I had no intention of that. I do like his case, it's wonderful. I wasn't bitching about his wires though, so please, just lay off. I wasn't saying anything bad about him, his case, his wires, his hardware, his relatives, his pet goldfish, or anyone/anything that could be associated with him and offended by my post.
It's cool dude, I wasn't offended. ;)
I have to agree, the case is very nice and I can already spot how easy it would be to mount a dual proc systemboard in there. Judging from the pics I bet a Super Micro Dual Xeon board fits comfortably in there. I also love the dual 92s in the rear. They move a lot of air without sounding like a wind tunnel like the other servers I used to build.

This is purely personal preference though, but I would preffere the drives to be parallel with the bottom of the case. Even if they were in a cage with two drives per cage, one cage stacked on top of the other, I don't think it would add much in size to the overall design. Like I said though, it's purely personal prefference. A good alloy to conduct heat from the drives would keep them cool as they are.

The thumbscrew rails? That makes me weep tears of joy...
Morley said:
It's cool dude, I wasn't offended. ;)
Ehhh... was your pet goldfish offended?

Seriously though, nice case. If I was rich, I would have one. Right next to my Lamborghini...

Where's a site that I can take a look at these?
DRJ1014 said:
the hard drives are usually blocking the air flow anyways. plus the front fans are to cool the hard drives anyways so its doing its job. leave the man alone. thes a wonderful mod.

They are flat, blocking more air than normal. With the hottest part of the HD not towards the fan. He asked for opinions, I gave mine. I dont care if you like it or not.
that picture i showed you was full of hard drives would be the same thing. the picture i showed you doesnt get airflow. maybe a little because the cage and hard drives are blocking it.

Subject dropped
The picture you tried to show me, doesnt load. I dont need to see any other picures. The case in question is this case, and in my opinion, its bad air flow. And the HD's are faces the wrong direction. Not everyone has 3 or 4 HD's. Even with 2 it would do the same thing, which is block air flow.

Just because you think the case is closed, doesnt mean everyone else has to do what you say.
I'd love to get a hold of one of the cases used for those BOXX Gaming Systems before...
aL Mac said:
I want to see a case where someone has 4 HD's (IDE hopefully (harder to hide)) a DVD and CDRW, floppy (you need RAID drivers) several pci cards that require power (video card/ external sata) front/rear/top mounted fan. And 2 pci usb slots with cables and sound cables... I want to see this case with perfect wiring that you cannot see yet if you want to take it apart it won't be impossible. I want to see this. Then when I see an accessible case with invisible wires and that much stuff in it (not too much, it's what I have at least) then I will be awed.

Certianly not to "toot my own horn," but it is possible to build a PC with lots of stuff inside and still have wiring look nice. Take a look at some of the systems in the thread linked below (mine among them) and I think you'll see a few systems where folks have invested some time into wire management with some pretty good results.

Post your "rate my cables" here

Wire management is just like any other part of modding, if you take your time and think it out you can come up with some very nice results. YMMV :D
Earm said:
Certianly not to "toot my own horn," but it is possible to build a PC with lots of stuff inside and still have wiring look nice. Take a look at some of the systems in the thread linked below (mine among them) and I think you'll see a few systems where folks have invested some time into wire management with some pretty good results.

Post your "rate my cables" here

Wire management is just like any other part of modding, if you take your time and think it out you can come up with some very nice results. YMMV :D

*nods* Several of the guys and gals in here have wiring jobs that make me feel ashamed to own a computer by comparison.
Wow...I'd like to see more cases with this sort of configuration. Ample space for dual 120mm's in the front, dual 92mm's in the back... What to do with it? Two words - water cooling.

You could easily fit a smaller radiator in front of those two 92mm's. Conversely you could hang the HDD's vertically like bats behind the floppy dirve and install a huge dual 120mm radiator in the front. Personally, I'd modify it so the HDD's lay flat, not on their side. The 2nd row won't even get much cooling [compaired to the front] the way they're setup. I do like how they can slide in bolted to those plates. Other than the HDD issue, it looks to be a VERY nice case for the [H] types. Too bad very little of us around would ever pay for a 'fully intergrated' server box just for the case...
I think it would be cool if you back lit the intake grill. a few blue LED's behind the filter would look good. I agree with those think that the HDD's should be horizontal so the air can blow through them. I bet if the drives were mounted laterally (so the drive connectors faced the side of the case, Xaser style) you would still have enough room for the eATX mobo.
i really love what was done with the black folded ide cables. rounded cables have plenty of situations where they are gay.

molex connectors and their wires are always ugly. lookes good enough for a window that emphasizes the main area.

but yeah, how do you cool the drive behind the sata one?

i think it would be awesome to have a case that had an extra conduit that contained a permanent ps wire that was built into the case that extended from the power supply area to where the drives are in your system, follwing the back rim of the drive cage all the way down and across the bottom.

and do they make cases with simple removable hooks to tuck wires away?

i think i want a theoretical case design thread.