My new chassis (can't buy it in stores)


Former [H] Consumer Managing Ed.
Jul 5, 2000
So BOXX started an employee purchase program for us to buy the chassis that we design and fab here in Austin, Texas.

I bought our new 6-bay chassis. This chassis was designed for eATX boards (dual proc), and still maintain a small profile on your desk. It's 17" deep and 7.5" wide. Don't remember how tall. It's about as tall as it is deep. It has 2 optical bays, with a third 5.25" bay that, while it can hold an optical drive somewhat, it was designed for a 'media bay' and floppy drive.

4 hard drives are fitted near the front grill, and they're rotated so that they're perpendicular to the base of the case, allowing for the larger motherboards. Two more can be fitted above the top of the motherboard horizontally to the ground. I have taken the top brace off because I don't use it. The two 92mm fans in the back keep the case really cool, and the fact that the entire front grill serves for air intake allows for the case to stay at about 34c idle, and it's very quiet. Behind the front grill is a removeable, washable filter.




Now...what to do with it? ;)
Looks pretty sweet to me dude. Will that eventually be available to consumers?
Wire sleeving and rounded IDE cables to start. I can hardly stand to look at it :eek:
I detest rounded IDE cables. I can fold and tuck flat cables better...

And no, we only sell the cases fully integrated.
Is there any cooling for the drives? Nice case, I love the 2X92mm in the back.
I have mixed thoughts...I thinkt he HD arrangement is interesting, but it doesnt allow for front fans, which can lead to poor circulation in the looks nice much will these cost when released?
saturnine2 said:
Is there any cooling for the drives? Nice case, I love the 2X92mm in the back.
The only way for air to enter the case is through the front grill, and consequently, over the front drives.

We sell several hundred of these systems at a time, usually stocked with 10k rpm drives, be they scsi or sata, and cards like the quadro line...lots of heat, but our systems move it out very well. The HDD's stay fairly cool with the way they are mounted now.

We also sell 8 and 12 HDD systems that have front fans due to the sheer amount of heat being produced. They are about 5 inches deeper.

We don't sell them seperately, just as fully integrated systems...
I think the wiring is pretty clean. It's functional at the very least. These guys just like to bitch about stupid shit.
wow nice case

but your harddrive cage... i dont think it was designed well... the front fans cool the first harddrive but what about the next harddrive to the left?
wayne said:
wow nice case

but your harddrive cage... i dont think it was designed well... the front fans cool the first harddrive but what about the next harddrive to the left?
It actually does pretty well...remember, this was designed to fit an extended ATX motherboard...hence the weird placement of drives.
He asked what to do next, I just said clean up the cables a little bit.

I'm not "bitching" about them. I said the part about not being able to look at it jokingly. I just said what I would do next with that case :)
DudeItsMe said:
He asked what to do next, I just said clean up the cables a little bit.

I'm not "bitching" about them. I said the part about not being able to look at it jokingly. I just said what I would do next with that case :)
This is true...I could probably clean it up a bit, especially seeing what some people do in here...guess my point was to show off the chassis rather than my wiring skills...

I like the set up for hard drive space. Who needs 6 bays anyways ;)
why not flip the drives around so that the IDE and SATA connectors are not on the outside? will look a lot cleaner that way...

and you know who you have to put on the list for the 12 bay version w/some rackmount ears and rails ;)
revan said:
All you people do is bitch, bitch, bitch.
and all i hear you doing is bitch, bitch, bitch. Shut up

dude i love it.......... i would try it out on mine but first its your idea and second my front is metal..... thermaltake xaser III

*backround noises* bitch bitch bitch
Looks like poor air flow to me, with the HD's blocking the air. Wires could be a lot cleaner too.
the hard drives are usually blocking the air flow anyways. plus the front fans are to cool the hard drives anyways so its doing its job. leave the man alone. thes a wonderful mod.



xaser III hard drive cages

and the front
Picture 016.jpg

you where saying?
I'm envious.
Boxx makes some awesome video editing machines.
I would take one if I had the chance.
do you have a window on the side? if so can we see it with the side on. i think i know where your going with the cables. just out of sight.
Nope, don't even have a window...that's why I wasn't too worried about it. I just wanted to show you guys the chassis, not the wiring. ;)
Morley said:
Nope, don't even have a window...that's why I wasn't too worried about it. I just wanted to show you guys the chassis, not the wiring. ;)
the wiring looks messy unless you look closer and see that its actually really neat... i think the problem is those various molex wires colors... it makes it seem like theres a lot of wire unorganized... my case looks like that too so i sorta loomed it cheaply... you can buy those spiral loom but i just took those giant pixie stix with the plastic tube when i finished it and cut it upwards spirally and when i was done, i had spiral loom... looks great too and my computer looks a lot neater too... there was other parts where that loom was too big to cover or couldnt reach... so i did the same thing except with straws so its got a smaller diameter and i secured it with electrical tape at each end... looks neat too

i think the case looks great except for the harddrive cage... maybe if there was only one drive next to the fan?.... i think it'd be a lot cooler and puts the fan to use

hmmm... are you into modding?, lol
sweet find! there any plan to sell just the chassis? I think it would be quite a decent sell. I'm sure there would be plenty of consumers willing to pay extra for that sweetness!!!
I hate people who complain so much about wiring. Your's looks fine and stick with non rounded cables since they are easier to fold. Sometimes I think there's no pleasing these people unless you only have 1 Hd 1 cdrom in your computer. If you actually have stuff there will be wires... even if hidden.
jmroberts70 said:
sweet find! there any plan to sell just the chassis? I think it would be quite a decent sell. I'm sure there would be plenty of consumers willing to pay extra for that sweetness!!!
Unfortunately, no. It's kinda one of our competitive advantages...our customers love our cases, and we wouldn't want our competition getting their hands on it...
DudeItsMe said:
Wire sleeving and rounded IDE cables to start. I can hardly stand to look at it :eek:



For Christ's sake people, rounded cables are pretty freaking stupid for 90% of cases.... cable sleeving is hardly worth the time it takes. Seriously. There is rarely a noticable improvement in case's performance just because the cables are sleeved.

This case is awesome. Very clean and very high-quality looking.
aL Mac said:
I hate people who complain so much about wiring. Your's looks fine and stick with non rounded cables since they are easier to fold. Sometimes I think there's no pleasing these people unless you only have 1 Hd 1 cdrom in your computer. If you actually have stuff there will be wires... even if hidden.
i totally agree. its never perfect. or it always has to be there way. it looks wonderful hes happy with it i love it and so do a lot of other people.

lets see one of these people who are complaining to do a mod like that i bet they couldnt do it.
ness1469 said:


For Christ's sake people, rounded cables are pretty freaking stupid for 90% of cases.... cable sleeving is hardly worth the time it takes. Seriously. There is rarely a noticable improvement in case's performance just because the cables are sleeved.

This case is awesome. Very clean and very high-quality looking.
i think he didnt mean you.. maybe you should have read the thread first
He asked what to do next, I just said clean up the cables a little bit.

I'm not "bitching" about them. I said the part about not being able to look at it jokingly. I just said what I would do next with that case
Ness1469, please read the full thread before you butt in next time. I've already stated that I was only being half serious, and plus he did ask what we (the community) would do next. I'm being entirely honest when I say that I would clean up the wires first. Why? It's one of the easiest mods to do, and it adds greatly to the look of a case. Maybe you guys think a rat's next is sexy, but I prefer to have my wires hidden. It's not entirely about performance here. And the person who made this thread never said whether or not he had a window in the case. I assumed he did since that's pretty common in cases today. Had he said he didn't have a window... I probably wouldn't have said anything about the wires. Or I would have said add a window and clean the wires up :p

Point is, he asked for my opinion and I gave it. I honestly don't care if you don't agree with me; I like a clean case. And besides, fifteen minutes and $.25 worth of wire ties can go a LONG ways... so why complain when some choose to do something so simple with their computer?
The thing is they ARE clean. People here tend to forget what wiring is like for standard cases, if you don't have a window, there is ABSOLUTELY no need for anything different from what he has. Even if he was kind of joking that still means he was kind of serious.
[dead horse beating should be an olympic sport;)]

As for the case, everything looks great.. besides some asthetic issues. I just don't like the box mesh much and to me the boxx emblem stuff is tacky, especially being that large.

Though, I do like the idea of a large "passive" filter intake area, with so much open area there is little problem with a primarily exhaustive fan placement.

Sence it was designed for large mobos it seems to have a very large amount of room in there to work with installing components.

If you look on the back of the drive bays there are spots (which he has used) to loop the ties around and keep bundles of wires tidy and out of the way
I want to see a case where someone has 4 HD's (IDE hopefully (harder to hide)) a DVD and CDRW, floppy (you need RAID drivers) several pci cards that require power (video card/ external sata) front/rear/top mounted fan. And 2 pci usb slots with cables and sound cables... I want to see this case with perfect wiring that you cannot see yet if you want to take it apart it won't be impossible. I want to see this. Then when I see an accessible case with invisible wires and that much stuff in it (not too much, it's what I have at least) then I will be awed.

Also to say to tell him to invest in wire ties is idiocy since he has plenty on his case.. he even has them fastened to the sides with special clips it looks like.

To claim you weren't being completely serious is also a lie. Why tell him to get rounded cables if you weren't being serious. I think most people now know that flat cables are easier to hide, however if you must see them I suppose round cables are nicer looking. It also seems his ribben cables are routed and folded in a nice way that they join together and then run out of sight.

Sorry for the rant but I saw a lot of work in the wires in that picture and it seems like now everytime there's a pic of a case someone has to b^tch about the wires. Sometimes it is a mess and a good suggestion. Perhaps it's just the way you said it. like, I don't give a crap that your case is real nice and deserves some credit becuase I can't even look at it because I can see wires in a computer and that's just awful.

Had you said something like.. The wires at the top could be cleaned up maybe some more by .. . something. people probably wouldn't get irritated. Or something like.. you did a nice job containing the wires.. just maybe had you used the clips to run them here.. instead.

DudeItsMe said:
Ness1469, please read the full thread before you butt in next time. I've already stated that I was only being half serious, and plus he did ask what we (the community) would do next. I'm being entirely honest when I say that I would clean up the wires first. Why? It's one of the easiest mods to do, and it adds greatly to the look of a case. Maybe you guys think a rat's next is sexy, but I prefer to have my wires hidden. It's not entirely about performance here. And the person who made this thread never said whether or not he had a window in the case. I assumed he did since that's pretty common in cases today. Had he said he didn't have a window... I probably wouldn't have said anything about the wires. Or I would have said add a window and clean the wires up :p

Point is, he asked for my opinion and I gave it. I honestly don't care if you don't agree with me; I like a clean case. And besides, fifteen minutes and $.25 worth of wire ties can go a LONG ways... so why complain when some choose to do something so simple with their computer?

That case is plenty clean. The wires go exactly where they need to go, they are neat and organized. There aren't spare cables running rampant, they are all tied up and out of the way. Short of removing half of the stuff he has in there he isn't going to get much better looking with the cabling. That's hardly considered a rat's nest. Just because you can see cables does not qualify it as being so messy you can't stand to look at it. Even if you were joking, in your first post it sounded very insulting and made you look like a real ass. So perhaps if you are joking a big " :p " would suffice to let people know that.
aL Mac said:
I want to see a case where someone has 4 HD's (IDE hopefully (harder to hide)) a DVD and CDRW, floppy (you need RAID drivers) several pci cards that require power (video card/ external sata) front/rear/top mounted fan. And 2 pci usb slots with cables and sound cables... I want to see this case with perfect wiring that you cannot see yet if you want to take it apart it won't be impossible. I want to see this. Then when I see an accessible case with invisible wires and that much stuff in it (not too much, it's what I have at least) then I will be awed.

Also to say to tell him to invest in wire ties is idiocy since he has plenty on his case.. he even has them fastened to the sides with special clips it looks like.

To claim you weren't being completely serious is also a lie. Why tell him to get rounded cables if you weren't being serious. I think most people now know that flat cables are easier to hide, however if you must see them I suppose round cables are nicer looking. It also seems his ribben cables are routed and folded in a nice way that they join together and then run out of sight.

Sorry for the rant but I saw a lot of work in the wires in that picture and it seems like now everytime there's a pic of a case someone has to b^tch about the wires. Sometimes it is a mess and a good suggestion. Perhaps it's just the way you said it. like, I don't give a crap that your case is real nice and deserves some credit becuase I can't even look at it because I can see wires in a computer and that's just awful.

Had you said something like.. The wires at the top could be cleaned up maybe some more by .. . something. people probably wouldn't get irritated. Or something like.. you did a nice job containing the wires.. just maybe had you used the clips to run them here.. instead.


Checkout the Chenbro Gaming Bomb 2 man, I saw a running system with 6HDDs, 6800 Ultra, and soundblaster drivebay thingy, and no visible wires because the case has built in wire runners behind the trays. Thing is a hoss, i want 3.
Well I'm sorry if my reply made me sound like an ass. I had no intention of that. I do like his case, it's wonderful. I wasn't bitching about his wires though, so please, just lay off. I wasn't saying anything bad about him, his case, his wires, his hardware, his relatives, his pet goldfish, or anyone/anything that could be associated with him and offended by my post.