My new C3 Acrilic Case. (56k be careful)


Sep 7, 2003
Well I've got some new pictures now that I've finaly taken the time to clean up the spagetti.

I enclosed MOST of the wires on the bottem in a metal work box. Looks a hundred times better then 3 inverter boxs and a few feet of cabling just laying around. That box is FULL and I even cut some of the wires back. It's a tempory thing till I can do a little more work on it and make it look better.




Oh yea and just to for braging rights. AMD XP 2800+, 1.8v 2400mHz @ 96F idle, 105 loaded, AIR COOLED! Yea so it sounds like a vacume so what!


I'm leaving this picture up so you can see where my spagetti was.

You can see why I want to get rid of the guard in the front. Yea it looks cool, but I'm afraid I might lose a finger.

The stuff making the memory, video & sound cards edge glow along with the motherboard and drives is a neet bit of wire matince stuff I found on by ordering the wrong thing. It's UV reactive. I think it gives everything a nice look and I love how it looks on the drives.
Wow.. holy shit. that is some niiiiice acryllic work. Now just clean up that mess inside.

I might just have to do something like this after all
I generally don't like acrylic cases, but that one is hot.
At this point I'm trying to deside if I want to get a sectional PSU or not. I'm thinking it will help clean up the mess. And I'm currenly working on a small box. You can see the casing in some of the pictures on the table. I'm doing the sodering work right now. As soon as I have that done things at the bottem of the case should look alot better.

I saw that new PSU on FROZEN.CPU and I'm t hinking about ether getting that or something like it where I can unplug the plugs I don't need. That and my current PSU will not support the X800 or 6800GT cards, AND I WANT ONE!
Where did you find the case? I'm looking to do something similar. Most of the acrylic cases I have seen all have the fan holes pre cut in the sides, not my style.

ThE sHaDoW
sweet looking case, would like good with some watercooling in it too ;)
The case can be found at FROZENCPU.COM and is 279.99 + shipping. For the smoke tinted one. Other colors are less.

And I'm debaiting a water cool system for it. The DD 120mm eXtram rad will fin in the front no problem. I was looking at a rather extensive setup my self. But after I got it all together I relaized something sweet has happened and even overclocked under full load (Prime95 or UT2004 for a few hours) it only gets up to about 106F. And that is a sweet temp in my book. Idle is around 95F.

That and I'm going to be moving to an A64 withen the next 6 months and don't fill like getting two blocks if I don't need too, plus If I wait I might fine some kind of better setup then I currenly have.

I had the same openion on Acrilics as most: They usaly look like crap. I saw this case. And I knew what I wanted in it, where I wanted everything how it would look before I could even look at the price. It was love at first sight.

Thank for the complments. Keep checking back I'm going to be doing some MAJOR wire matince, installing the wire box in the bottem, and a fan controller withen a week. SHOULD LOOK SWEET. I've mainly got to get it ready before a LAN on Saturday that I'm going to.

1x intake and 3x exhaust = bad...ofcourse thats considering the rear fans and the top fan are exhaust

cool case though...will look even better with the wires cleaned up a bit

i think it would be bad ass with red lights though...i have seen too many blue lights lately...
1x 120mm Intake @97CFM, 1x 80mm Intake @32CFM, 2x 92mm Exhaust @48.11 each. + PSU. I'm telling you, I can feel the air coming out of this thing when I sit at my desk. I wanted all purple. But you can't find the stuff. So Blue it is. And UV was the only way I could outline the cards and drives the way I wanted to.

*Note Fan CFM is listed at the fans MAX CFM rated by the manufacur.
heh you sellin that ish. i had a clearview blue acrylic case before i sold it. But that is hot looking.
paint the beige drive black and then there is nothing that can stop that case from being PERFECT ;)
What exactly is that glowing wire mantice stuff...I'm having the darndest time finding it.
I think you case kicks ass btw.
Price is 9.99
That's the stuff. I use Jetquick to glue it on. It's the only thing I trust to glew onto computers parts with. It drys pritty much on contact and is a pain to work with. But It does not mess with the boards too much.
CompMage said:
Price is 9.99
That's the stuff. I use Jetquick to glue it on. It's the only thing I trust to glew onto computers parts with. It drys pritty much on contact and is a pain to work with. But It does not mess with the boards too much.
Great work with the edging on the cards and mobo. Thats one of the most original ideas I've seen in awhile that almost anyone can do!
I got some new pics up now. Take it easy.

Specs bellow, any questions just ask.
one of the nicest acrylic cases i have seen... however i would do something about that huge dredlock of wires in the center of the case... IMHO but still very nice looking.
nice, im lovin the 120 in the front and the grill. i plan on using the same one for my next case. good choice. :D
for a clear case thats is really really really x100 clean, you did an awsome job and ill be looking future(sp) mods and projects of yours
i agree completely. it is very hard to make an all acrylic case look clean. good work.
Well I just got some new parts for the case. Mainly some nice black paint for the casing of the optical drives and a small peice of sheet metal with a mirror finish to put on the top of the top most drive.

Future projects for this case:

Water cooling, this will involve moving the harddrives to the top empty area of the case and installing the water kit with a external resavor. Only real moding I'm going to have to do for that is drill two 3/4 inch holes in the back of the case for the tubing.

Going to be upgrading the board, chip and video once I get payed next month. So things should be fun, I really just need a new video card so I can play DOOM3 faster. I want all the eye candy turned on.

Again thanks every one for the complments, I put alot of work into this case when I have the time.

I should be starting a new case, be it much smaller as just something to do. It should look nice once i'm done. Will give me a chance to play with my new airbrush.